The man who is in charge of elections in Yakima County is running for re-election. Yakima County Auditor Charles Ross says he's running for a third term. In a news release Ross says "I am proud of my eight years as auditor, and I'm asking voters to allow me to serve another term." Ross says he's proud of the Elections Department on how they've conducted elections in Yakima County. He says the department recently recounted, by hand, a 40,000-vote countywide race and found only one mistake.
"If reelected, I will continue working for the public. Doing things like accepting credit and debit cards for payment. Expanding our office hours. Remaining open throughout the pandemic, when many other government offices were closed. And offering a drive-through payment window." Before becoming auditor, Ross, a Republican, served four terms in the Washington State House of Representatives and served as mayor and city council member in his hometown of Naches.
Candidate filing week is set for May 16-20. During that time many people are expected to file for office. But there's been a big change in Yakima County. Changes in political boundaries after redistricting last year split the county into northern and southern districts and a third district making up most of the city of Yakima. The redistricting is the result of a settlement between Yakima County and One America an immigrant rights group in the state.
The group sued the county over it's election system saying it was unfair to Hispanics. Under a settlement, the three Yakima County Commissioner seats will all be up for election in 2022. Yakima County Commissioner Ron Anderson has decided not to run for re-election, but District 1 incumbent Commissoner Amanda McKinney and District 3 incumbent Commissioner LaDon Linde both say they're running for another term in office.
What district do you live in? You can find information here