2022-04-29 19:04:16 By : Ms. Michelle Yu

For Sale: wood cutting bandsaw ; Milwaukee metal cutting bandsaw ; Porter Cable heavy duty belt sander ; (3) Craftsman bandsaws ; 16-gau. finish nail gun ; (2) 18-gau. nail guns ; Narrow Crown staple gun ; hammer drill ; Ryobi biscuit plate joiner ; Bosch reciprocating saw ; sanders ; Ryobi circular saw w/ laser ; Dewalt hole saw kit (13 pcs.) ; Halogen work lights ; electric weed eater ; lots of hand tools – 979-421-0202 call or text

Wanted: farm tractors and equipment, running or not, will pay cash ; ’65 or ’66 Ford truck, short wheel base, fixer upper – 936-870-5148

Wanted: GPS for tractor – 979-277-8740

Wanted: caregiver to assist w/ daily tasks for elderly couple, a few days and evenings, NO heavy lifting required $10/hr. – 979-277-4969

Wanted: Colt .45 1911, any model  ; 30-30 rifle – 832-266-8239

FOUND: set of keys, found Boggy Creek Rd. – 979-251-2329

Wanted: (2) 55 gal. plastic drums ; For Sale: Troy-Bilt tiller, front tine, used about 1 hr. $350 – 956-367-2803

For Sale: (14) Lab pups, NO papers, (9) Chocolate and (5) Black, dew claws removed, 4 wks. old, on soft food, males $300 ea. and females $325 ea. – 979-451-2641 after 3p or 979-830-3456 anytime

For Sale: 5’ disc, 3-pt. $375 ; 5’ shredder, 3-pt. $375 ; (2) attic vent fans $25/both ; (2) headache racks $85 ea. – 979-830-3456

LOST: Terrier mix dog, male, last seen in Somerville, answers to “Simba”, wearing blue collar -- 979-525-6352

Wanted: caretaker, M-F 10a-3p, through an agency ; electric dryer, reasonable price ; For RENT: space for travel trailer, on (3) acres, has water well hook-up, electric hook-up $300/mo. – 979-551-3740

Wanted: will take any birds you no longer want or can take care of – 979-836-7775

For Sale: 55 gal. metal drums $15 ea. or 3/$35 – 979-200-1007 (north side of Lake Somerville)

For Sale: used lumber and tin – 8’-12’ 2x4, 6’-12’ 2x6, and 2’x8’ corrugated tin ; (8) laying hens $10 ea., MUST BUY ALL – 979-733-7334

For Sale: fresh brown yard eggs $3/doz. – 979-451-1311

For Sale: 4x6 deer stand, (4) flip up windows, made from barn tin, full size door, on runners, can send pictures $600 – 979-484-0164 (south of Columbus)

For Sale: Infinity massage/spa chairs, used, good cond. $500 ; Dodge 20” factory rims, can send pictures $600 ; tile cutter saw ; heavy duty brick saw – 979-551-6603

For Sale: ’00 Fleetwood travel trailer, good cond. – 979-574-6693

For RENT: 2/1 duplex, across from Jackson St. Park, move in ready $1100/mo. plus dep. – 281-433-2195

For Sale: sheet metal - 3x10 3/16” and 3x8 3/16” – 979-830-5732

For FREE: 25’ x 10” tree, great firewood, YOU MUST CUT – 414 Gerland Wagner Rd. (2 mi. east of Carmine, on Hwy. 290) – 979-966-2389

For Sale: (2) turkey hens, full grown $30 – 979-451-5124

For Sale: lumber – 2x4, 2x6, 4x6, also corrugated and v-crimp tin, barn door – 979-451-9315

Garage Sale: 2500 Old Chappell Hill Rd., by appointment ONLY – 979-661-4311

For Sale: bunk bed, sturdy, good cond. $180 – 979-451-2427

For Sale: ’07 Toyota Camry for parts ; Lab/German Sheppard mix pups $50 ea. – 979-836-7072

Wanted: someone that makes white divinity candy – 979-451-4719

For Sale: (8) chicks, 3 mo. old ; 4’ tall roll of chicken wire, partial roll ; several kids riding toys ; 8x10 chicken coop, useable, needs some work – 979-251-1089

For Sale: antique 1950’s Magic Chef stove, 4-burners, storage space ; landscape rake, 6’ wide, 3-pt., only used a few times ; empty protein tubs, black, taller ; fresh yard eggs, brown/white/colored – 979-551-3610

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