We still haven't recovered from some of these.
In The Mortuary Assistant, Rebecca Owens is haunted by a malevolent spirit that wants to do her a world of harm. Multiple playthroughs allow you to slowly piece the story together, presenting it through a series of flashbacks and hauntings.
Related: Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting The Mortuary Assistant
The hauntings you experience are entirely at the behest of RNG, meaning there is no way to fully guarantee which ending and which haunts will sneak up on you during your shift. Here are some of the creepiest moments in the game; from jump-scares to auditory hallucinations, you shouldn't turn off that light.
Content warning: There are mentions of drug abuse, suicide, and other sensitive scenes on this list.
One of the most generic (yet still spooky) haunts is when you see your Grandma knocking at the window. She starts out sweet enough, her sad voice a thin warble as she implores you to open the window and let her in. Ignoring her will get her agitated, and she will start banging on it with her fists, yelling at you in a now distorted growl.
Trying to flee into either the reception or morgue will trigger a cutscene whereby Grandma presents you with a knife and suggests you slit your wrists for her - before she jumps you and starts stabbing.
You sit up screaming, totally unharmed, but you'll want to check your possession level; this one can accelerate your possession quite markedly.
Another common haunt is the hallucination of Rebecca's dilapidated apartment where she lived as a junkie. It will appear in crucial flashbacks, some requiring you to prepare your needle for injection and others asking you to grab your heroin kit and join your friend at a party before the room fills with murky water. A body will float to the surface, and inspecting it will cause her (see item number one on this list) to give you the fright of your life.
These scenes are not as scary as they are deeply uncomfortable, forcing you to confront Rebecca's past or risk never having a future.
One of the most harrowing hauntings is when Rebecca hallucinates her dead mother. In the haunt, she sees her mother laying face down on a bare mattress having just overdosed on heroin herself. As Rebecca curses her for leaving them, her mother's lifeless body suddenly flips itself around and taunts Rebecca, telling her that her father's death was entirely her own fault.
This brutal section draws a sobering parallel to Rebecca's own life, showing how close she came to following in her mother's bloody footsteps.
The demon toys with Rebecca over the course of each shift, and sometimes whilst you're working on its chosen body, you will experience a very special haunting.
In this one, the body will momentarily reanimate, contorting itself into unnatural shapes before staring down the corridor. The room will now be covered in ominous paranormal scribblings, tinted a sickening yellow as you peer down the corridor and see what the demon has in store.
It's a truly terrifying moment that leaves you wondering just how close you are to being fully possessed.
In one of the hauntings, you will have to traverse a spooky field of concrete statues before unlocking a door and witnessing something horrible: Raymond, your boss, drinking blood directly from a woman's wrist.
Whether this is meant to be Rebecca herself or one of his possessed ex-assistants is unclear, but it serves as a spine-chilling foreshadowing of the secret Raymond is hiding.
The reagent which Rebecca needs to use during the embalming process actually comes from demon blood, a necessary part of the exorcism ritual and yet a rather grisly fact of the matter.
This is one of the creepiest and most delightful events you can trigger in The Mortuary Assistant. He is tricky to spot, and crawls away quickly if you get too close, but there is a chance that you will see the creepy smiling demon watching you from either atop a cabinet, behind the shelves, or at the foot of the embalming table.
He has been spotted most frequently by players who are progressing down the Basement Ending pathway, but there is a chance you'll find him during any shift. He doesn't make any noise, and sometimes you don't even see him until he shimmies out the way, but that is what makes him that much scarier: the fear of the unknown.
One of the most harrowing details in The Mortuary Assistant is the sound design, more specifically the auditory hallucinations. Jump-scares pale in comparison to the whispers, knocks, and gurgling disembodied voices that throb beneath your skull, pulling you into a nightmare that you can't even see yet.
Even the muffled sounds of the trap house party that frequently pulse in the background are expertly placed, and the first few times it happens you might be convinced that it's all in your head - or that your neighbour is throwing an absolute rager.
That's how this game gets you. It operates on its own frequency of psychological horror rather than relying on cheap thrills, and it definitely pays off if you're looking for more than just screams in the dark.
One of the most unsettling paranormal events in The Mortuary Assistant is when you hallucinate your own suicide.
We know from past segments that Rebecca fell into a deep depression after her father's accidental death, and saw herself locked up in a psych ward for her own safety. Whilst there, she made several attempts on her own life, which are shown in these horrifying hallucinations where Rebecca confronts her own dead body.
If you have yours and your father's sobriety chips at hand, you can put them in each of your palms to unlock the Closure Ending - and if you don't, well...run.
How do you know you're going down the Basement Ending pathway? You will be disturbed during your duties by some drops of blood falling onto the stomach of the corpse you're injected with cavity fluid. As you pan the camera up slowly to see where it's coming from, you see an arm dangling from a hole in the ceiling before quickly being snatched away.
Again, this section is horrifying not because of any lavish, broad, theatrical strokes, but because it is such a small detail that instills an almost instant sense of dread.
If you feel like you're being watched, it's probably because you are. At various points in the game, you will see a woman standing at the far end of a corridor or room, watching you in silence, waiting for you to see her.
Sometimes she will vanish backward into a shadowy corner, and other times she will try to get the jump on you if you pursue her. Whether your instinct is to rush behind the desk and hide until she's gone, or bravely follow her into the aether, there is something singularly skin-crawling about this red-eyed woman who wants nothing more than to see you dead.
Next: Games To Play If You Like The Mortuary Assistant
As well as being a Senior Writer at TheGamer, Jasmine is an avid lover of metalcore, paranormal horror, and pretending to be good at playing the bass guitar.