Snowline Gold Intersects 2.3 Grams Per Tonne Gold Over 282.9 Metres at Its Valley Zone and Commences Drilling at Gracie, Rogue Project, Yukon

2022-09-03 00:04:15 By : Ms. JUDY WEI

SNOWLINE GOLD CORP. (CSE:SGD) (OTCQB:SNWGF) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to announce to announce initial, preliminary[1] assay results from its 2022 drilling program at the Valley Zone, Rogue Project, Yukon, and to provide a general exploration update. Holes V-22-005 and V-22-007 each intersected broad zones of mineralization averaging >1.5 gt Au over significant widths. V-22-007 averaged 2.30 gt Au over 282.9 m from bedrock surface to 288.0 m depth, with assays still pending past that point for the bottom 127.1 m (31% of the total hole

Table 1 -Preliminary highlight intervals from the Valley Zone. Holes V-22-005 and V-22-007 both intersected a broad central corridor of abundant sheeted quartz veins cutting through the Valley intrusion. *Interval widths reported; true widths of the system are not yet known and may be gradational. **Only the top 282.91 m of V-22-007 have been received to date; assays for the bottom 127.1 m of the hole still pending.

"Our initial assay results demonstrate increasing scale and fertility in the Valley Zone," said Scott Berdahl, CEO & Director of Snowline. "In an aggressive step back 154 m to test the width of the system with Hole V-22-005 and an aggressive step out 340 m along the length of the system with V-22-007 we've encountered grades and intervals greater than those of our discovery holes last season. These high grades are associated with unusually high quartz vein densities that are present across a large area. The presence of consistent grades from near surface is also encouraging as it improves the potential economics of the prospect. The Valley discovery is a work in progress-we eagerly await the remainder of results for V-22-007 and for many other holes from this year's ongoing drill campaign."

Figure 1 - Cross section showing V-22-007 assay results in the context of vein densities in surrounding holes. Vein densities similar to those seen in V-22-007 are also observed near surface in V-22-014 and at depth in V-22-015. View looks northwest along the strike of the system. The surface trace of the B to B' cross section shown can be seen in Figure 5.

Hole V-22-007 was collared in the Valley intrusion and remained in the intrusion for its entire length. Moderate to strong (>15 veins/metre) quartz vein intensities occur regularly throughout the hole.

Gold grades within V-22-007 exhibit a high degree of consistency. 168 of 232 samples-representing 204.85 m (non-contiguous) or 72.4% of the 282.9 m length of the interval returned to date-assayed higher than 1.0 g/t Au. Conversely only five samples-representing 6.5 m (again, non-contiguous) or 2.3% of the length of the hole returned to date-assayed below 0.2 g/t Au, with the lowest assay for the hole returning 0.152 g/t Au over 0.5 m. When capped at 10 g/t Au, the interval received to date (282.91 m) drops by just 0.05 g/t Au from an average of 2.30 g/t Au to 2.25 g/t Au (Table 2).

Only partial results from hole V-22-007 have been received at this time. For expediency in processing, the top 282.9 m of the hole were shipped when ready on an available supply flight, independently of the bottom 127.1 m. Results for the remainder of the hole will be released when available.

Figure 2 - Quartz vein mineralization in V-22-007, from 133.5 m to 159.9 m downhole, as shown previously in the Company's June 30, 2022 news release. This interval returned an average of 3.17 g/t Au, within a broader interval averaging 3.24 g/t Au over 146.0 m from 56.0 m to 202.0 m downhole.

HOLES V-22-005 AND V-22-006

Holes V-22-005 and V-22-006 were drilled along section with 2021 discovery hole V-22-003 (1.25 g/t Au over 168.7 m from bedrock surface - see Snowline news release dated February 10, 2022) to test the local width of the mineralized quartz vein system.

Figure 3 - Cross section showing V-22-005 and V-22-006 assay results in the context of surrounding holes. The view looks northwest along the strike of the system, with the width of the system open to the northeast and open to depth. The surface trace of the A to A' cross section can be seen in Figure 5.

Hole V-22-005 was collared in the Valley intrusion as a 154 m step back from V-21-003 to test width of the system. The hole averaged 1.03 g/t Au across its entire 331.30 m length, including 191.95 m averaging 1.52 g/t Au from 132.0 m downhole. As with V-22-007, capping of assays at 10 g/t Au only diminishes overall grade by 0.05 g/t Au (Table 2), demonstrating the widespread and relatively consistent nature of gold mineralization.

Hole V-22-006 was collared at the same site as V-22-005 and drilled to the northeast as a further test of the width of the system. The hole encountered sheeted quartz vein mineralization in diorite, averaging 0.23 g/t over its entire 301.0 m length with broadly consistent grades and mineralization to the end of the hole.

Figure 4 - Quartz vein mineralization in V-22-005, from 264.3 m to 277.4 m downhole, as shown previously in the Company's June 30, 2022 news release. This interval returned an average of 1.09 g/t Au, within a broader interval averaging 1.52 g/t Au over 192.0 m from 132.0 m to 324.0 m downhole.

Table 2 - Summary of all 2022 drill hole assay results received to date. Holes V-22-005 and V-22-006 are mineralized along their entire lengths, and V-22-007 carries anomalous grades along the entire 282.91 m interval received to date. Several zones of higher grades are present, but capping these at 10 g/t Au shows that the intervals are carried by robust mineralization along their lengths. *Interval widths reported; true widths of the system are not yet known and may be gradational. **Only the top 282.91 m of V-22-007 have been received to date; assays for the bottom 127.1 m of the hole still pending.

Figure 5 - Drilling progress at the Valley Zone, showing vein densities (top) and instances of visible gold (bottom). Instances of trace visible gold in quartz veins have been identified along roughly 1000 m of strike length to date, between holes V-21-004 and V-22-022.

Two drills are active at Valley, with 6,750 m drilled on the target so far this season for 7,554 m total drilled on the target to date. Drilling to the southeast of previous holes has extended the known strike length of the mineralization to >1 km, with lower vein densities to the extreme southeast. Hole V-22-024 was drilled roughly 1.3 km southeast of V-21-004 to test a magnetic low thought to be a potential southeastern extension of the Valley. Dioritic dikes up to 26.2 m drilled width (true width unknown) were encountered in drill core, but the hole was primarily hornfels and sediment, with light quartz veining.

Initial drilling has also commenced at the nearby Gracie Zone, with sparse quartz-bismuthinite veins and 3 instances of trace visible gold encountered in G-22-001, the first-ever drill hole into the target.

Figure 6 - Initial holes at Gracie, showing the locations and vein densities in the context of surface geochemistry. G-22-001 intersected silicification and mostly light to locally moderate quartz veining, with 3 instances of visible gold. G-22-002 intersected fractured sedimentary rocks with light veining and was discontinued at 165 m. Assays for both holes are pending, and drilling at Gracie is ongoing.

The hole, drilled to a total depth of 380.16 m, intersected a deformed and hornfelsed sedimentary succession. The rocks intersected in the hole predominantly exhibit biotitic and sericitic alteration with moderate silicification and minor carbonatization. Disseminated to semi-massive pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite are associated with alteration and quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins, up to 2 cm in width, that comprise pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and bismuthinite with visible gold hosted in the veins at 62.9 m, 265.8 m and 275.5 m. Locally, vein densities are up to 5 veins/metre, though more typical is 0.5-1 vein/metre over the length of the hole. Assays for this hole are pending,

The geological setting and style of mineralization at Rogue's Valley Zone indicate the presence of a bulk tonnage gold target, with similarities to Kinross's Fort Knox Mine in Alaska and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine in the Yukon. Gold is associated with bismuthinite and telluride minerals hosted in sheeted quartz vein arrays along the margins of a mid-Cretaceous aged Mayo-series intrusion. The Rogue Project hosts multiple intrusions of similar age and affinity to that at Valley along with widespread gold anomalism in stream sediment, soil and rock samples. The project is thus considered by the Company to have district-scale prospectivity for reduced-intrusion related gold systems.

Valley is an early-stage exploration project without a resource estimate, and the presence or absence of an economically viable orebody cannot be determined until significant additional work is completed.

On receipt from the drill site, Valley's NQ-sized drill core was systematically logged for geological attributes, photographed and sampled at Snowline's 2022 field camp. Sample lengths as small as 0.5 m were used to isolate features of interest, otherwise a default 1.5 m downhole sample length was used. Core was cut in half lengthwise along a pre-determined line, with one half (same half, consistently) collected for analysis and one half stored as a record. Standard reference materials, blanks and duplicate samples were inserted by Snowline personnel at regular intervals into the sample stream. Bagged samples were sealed with security tags to ensure integrity during transport. They were delivered by expeditor and by Snowline personnel to ALS Laboratories' preparatory facility in Whitehorse, Yukon, with analyses completed in Vancouver.

ALS is accredited to ISO 17025:2005 UKAS ref 4028 for its laboratory analysis. Samples were crushed by ALS to >70% passing below 2 mm and split using a riffle splitter. 250 g splits were pulverized to >85% passing below 75 microns. A four-acid digest with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) finish was used for 48-element analysis on 0.25 g sample pulps (ALS code: ME-MS61L). All samples were analysed for gold content by fire assay with an atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) finish on 30 g samples (ALS code: Au-AA23). Any sample returning >10 g/t Au was reanalysed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish on a 30 g sample (ALS code: Au-GRA21).

Samples with visible gold and other samples returning >2.0 g/t Au by fire assay, along with a set of randomly selected samples, will undergo further processing, analysing the screen rejects to determine whether the screening process could introduce a sampling bias in current results by excluding coarse gold from analysis, resulting in an under-reporting of true grades. Other biases are also possible.

Table 3 - QA/QC failures from assay results received to date. 7 of 74 QA/QC samples returned values outside of 2 standard deviations from an expected concentration (or, in the case of blanks, above detection limit). Most errors are small, and overall they do not appear to reflect a systematic problem with the assays. Affected sample batches will be re-run to ensure a high standard of data quality.

As noted, results reported herein are considered preliminary following receipt of a low percentage of abnormal assays from standard and blank samples inserted by the Company into the Valley sample stream. (Standard samples are prepared by a third-party laboratory to have known quantities of gold, and blank samples are known to contain very limited concentrations of gold.) In total, 7 of 74 reference samples fell outside of acceptable limits. Two standards failed with low values underreporting gold, while four failed with high values overreporting. Reanalysis of samples run along with these reference materials will provide greater certainty in the final assay numbers. These results will be reported if a material difference is identified between the current assays and the re-run sample batches. Based on the widespread and consistent mineralization throughout all three holes reported herein, however, the Company does not believe that the re-analysis of this relatively small number of samples will have a significant impact on the preliminary mineralized intervals reported herein.

During the months of July and August 2022 (to date), 5,033,018 warrants were exercised, for gross proceeds to the company of $2,611,205.75.

Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with a seven-project portfolio covering >127,000 ha. The Company is exploring its flagship >85,000 ha Einarson and Rogue gold projects in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits including Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Newmont's Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine. The Company's first-mover land position and extensive database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.

Figure 7 - Project location map for Snowline Gold's eastern Selwyn Basin properties. The Valley and Gracie Zones on the Rogue are the sites of current drilling.

[1] These results are considered preliminary as 7 out of 74 of the Company's QA/QC insertions of blanks and standard reference materials into holes V-22-005 through 007 returned values of outside of acceptable limits. This is not an unusual nor necessarily unexpected failure rate. In response, five samples on either side of failed insertions will be reanalysed along with the insertions themselves. Given the scale and general consistency of the gold mineralization across the holes where insertions did pass QA/QC screening, the Company deems these preliminary results to be strongly indicative of overall grade and thus material information. Final assay results may be updated in a future release. For more information, see the QA/QC section of this release.

Information in this release has been prepared under supervision of and approved by Thomas K. Branson, M.Sc., P. Geo., Exploration Manager for Snowline and a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.


Scott Berdahl CEO & Director

For further information, please contact: Snowline Gold Corp. +1 778 650 5485


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements about the Company's upcoming drill program, implied significance of visual inspection of drill core, outcomes of mineral tenure ownership resolution, and surface work and plans for exploring and expanding a new greenfield, district-scale gold system. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.

Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things: risks related to uncertainties inherent in drill results and the estimation of mineral resources; and risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

News Provided by ACCESSWIRE via QuoteMedia

The Selwyn Basin in the Yukon, however, remains relatively underexplored and undervalued. Exploration companies looking to acquire and develop highly prospective projects in the region have the ability to leverage excellent discovery potential and exciting early-stage investment opportunities.

Snowline Gold (CSE:SGD) is an emerging Yukon Territory-based exploration company focused on exploring highly prospective gold properties with a “cornerstone position in a new gold district, and an established jurisdiction in the Yukon,” according to CEO Nikolas Matysek.

Snowline Gold’s management team includes noteworthy members: Technical Advisor Paul Matysek is a geologist with over 40 years of experience, and has sold five publicly listed exploration and development companies; Technical Advisor Dr. Quinton Hennigh led exploration at First Mining’s (TSX:FF, OTCQX:FFMGF), formerly Gold Canyon Resources, Springpole alkaline gold project near Red Lake in Ontario; and incoming Chairman Dr. Craig Hart a world-renowned scholar on gold and copper deposits. He most recently served as Director of the Mineral Deposit Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, where he initiated industry-sponsored research projects that focused on gold systems and development of novel exploration methods.

The company is currently working to develop and explore its flagship Einarson and Rogue gold projects and recently acquired Cliff, Tosh and Rainbow properties. The company’s diverse asset base covers approximately 70,000 hectares at the intersection of established mineral belts.

The Einarson property covers five primary target areas with high-grade surface grab samples and wide-scale gold anomalies in the soil. Additionally, the Rogue project hosts two prospective targets, which cover a newly-discovered Tombstone series intrusion, and a potential buried intrusion with visible gold observed within its sulfide veining structures.

Snowline Gold advantageously leverages existing geological data from exploration work completed by the previous private operator. This data helps enable fast-tracked development and more rapid, low-cost entry to exploration.

In March 2021, the company announced it had staked additional claims around the Cliff and Tosh gold properties. These claims consolidated the land positions at each project, outlining expansion by 2,121 hectares and 2,069 hectares, respectively.

Upcoming developments for Snowline Gold in 2021 include an over 4,200-meter drilling program to better gauge the full potential of its land position.

The company’s solid share structure has a post-RTO total of over 89,197,000 shares and consists of several strategic shareholders, management and insiders. It has secured over CAD$6.2 million in working capital for the 2021 exploration season following recent financings. Snowline Gold has a committed 30 percent insider share position.

The Einarson gold project covers 61,690 hectares across Yukon’s mineral-rich and underexplored Selwyn basin. The property encompasses multiple kilometers-long geochemical anomalies associated with thrust-faulted carbonate and Carlin-type gold deposits. Snowline Gold holds a 70 percent interest in 3,016 claims and 100 percent interest in the remaining 25 claims covering the project.

The property hosts multiple structurally controlled quartz mineralization occurrences with grab samples grading up to 34.2 g/t gold. Extensive work of past private operators Anthill Resources and 18526 Yukon Inc. include securing the property’s mineral tenure, collecting more than 25,000 soil samples and 4,500 stream sediment samples, and conducting limited preliminary drilling.

Advanced past exploration totaling upwards of C$20 million primes the company for low-cost entry and fast-tracked development across the project’s primary target areas. These areas include the Mars NE, Avalanche Creek, Mars, Misty and Odd zones. The Mars NE zone will be the initial focus of exploration efforts at the Einarson project during the 2021 field season.

As the company advances its Einarson project, it recently announced it has intersected 7.05 metres at 3.96 gt Au, including 0.7 metres at 10.65 gt Au, and 4.00 metres at 4.10 gt Au, including 0.5 metres at 17.95 gt Au in initial drill program at the Jupiter Zone. Highlights of the drill program include the following:

The Rogue gold project comprises 105 mineral claims over 2,439 hectares in a ten by two-kilometer claim block and several nearby satellite blocks totaling 16 additional claims. All claims are 100 percent owned by Snowline Gold. The main target areas include the Valley and Gracie zones.

The main block covers a 9-kilometer trend of hornfels alteration consisting of anomalous gold in rocks, soils and stream sediment. Initial surface rock grab samples collected by previous operators and an independent qualified person contracted by the company include gold grades as high as 152.0g/t, 95.3g/t and 44.8g/t gold at Valley.

Snowline Gold suspects the main trend hosts two members of the Tombstone plutonic suite, the set of Cretaceous intrusions responsible for multi-million ounce reduced intrusion-related gold systems seen at Kinross’s Fort Knox mine and Victoria Gold’s Eagle Mine.

The company intends on conducting an aggressive follow-up exploration program for both targets in 2021, including geological mapping, soil sampling, geophysical surveying and drilling.

The Tosh gold project in southwestern Yukon covers 3,700 hectares in a similar geological and structural setting to Newmont’s Coffee deposits. The project has the potential to become a significant orogenic gold camp due to high-strain schists and intercalated marble geological profile. Snowline Gold owns 100 percent of the Tosh gold project.

Past exploration has revealed mineralized rock samples of up to 6.8g/t gold and 1,146g/t silver over a 15-kilometer area. Likewise, the company has reported multiple open-ended soil anomalies at least 2.1 kilometers in length, with soil concentrations grading upwards of 5.8g/t gold and 62.1g/t silver.

At Tosh, Snowline Gold expects to commence follow-up exploration and focus on delineating high-priority drill targets in 2021.

The Cliff gold project covers 2,724 hectares in southwestern Yukon’s Ruby Range placer gold district, a region that has produced over 50,000 ounces of gold since 1991. The property leverages a nearby road-accessible airstrip, hydroelectric station and resources from the Haines Junction township. Snowline Gold owns 100 percent of the Cliff gold project.

Early exploration on the property returned stream sediment grades of up to 480ppb gold and a gold-in-soil anomaly of up to 850ppb gold. In 2013, quartz arsenopyrite vein material found in schists assayed 7.3g/t gold with additional evidence pointing towards high-grade altered granodiorite material.

Snowline Gold remains excited to continue exploring and developing this highly prospective project.

The 125-hectare Rainbow Gold Project is located within the Tintina Gold Belt. It covers a gold and pathfinder element soil anomaly associated with surface alteration caused by a recently discovered intrusion, thought to belong to the mid-Cretaceous Tombstone Plutonic Suite. Other Tombstone-related gold deposits within the Tintina Gold Belt include Fort Knox (~11 million ounces Au), and Eagle (~4.8 million ounces Au).

A program of drone surveying, geochemical sampling and structural mapping is planned to establish suitable drill targets on the Rainbow property.

Upcoming developments for Snowline Gold in 2021 include an over 4,200-meter drilling program to better gauge the full potential of its land position. Phase I drilling at the Jupiter zone is nearing completion, having achieved its initial objective of discovering a mineralized structural zone thought to be partially responsible for gold-bearing quartz float boulders that grade up to 25.2 g/t Au previously found on the surface. While encouraged by phase I drill results, which indicate the in-situ presence of an extensive epizonal orogenic gold system, the Company awaits assay results to better assess their significance.

Additionally, the Company closed a C$1,000,000 non-brokered private placement with Crescat Capital in July 2021. The proceeds of the offering will be used to advance the Ursa gold and base metals project, and fund a future 1,500 metre diamond drill programme.

The company’s solid share structure has a total of 89.2M shares and consists of several strategic shareholders, management and insiders including Keith Neumeyer of First Majestic Silver Corp, Eric Sprott, Quinton Hennigh and Dr. Craig Hart. Snowline Gold has a committed 30 percent insider share position.

Scott Berdahl is a professional geologist with over 15 years of industry experience. Born and raised in the Yukon and based in Whitehorse, he brings a solid technical grounding in discovery-stage exploration alongside in-depth local knowledge. He has business development experience with several private and listed companies focused on gold and base metals.

Berdahl earned a BSc in Geology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an MSc in Earth Science & Engineering from KAUST in Saudi Arabia, and an MBA from INSEAD in France and Singapore.

Matthew Roma is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) with over 10 years of financial management experience working predominantly with junior mining companies. Mr. Roma articled at Deloitte LLP where he specialized in assurance and advisory services for publicly listed mining companies based both in Canada and the United States

Paul Matysek is a geologist/geochemist by training, a successful alpha entrepreneur and creator of shareholder value with over 40 years of experience in the mining industry. Since 2004 as either CEO or Executive Chairman, Matysek has sold five publicly listed exploration and development companies, in aggregate worth over $2 billion. Currently, he is the CEO and director of Gold X Mining.

Dr. Quinton Hennigh is an economic geologist with 25 years of exploration experience, mainly gold-related. Early in his career, he worked for major mining firms, including Homestake Mining Company, Newcrest Mining Ltd and Newmont Mining Corp. He has been involved with several Canadian-listed gold companies, including Gold Canyon Resources, where he led exploration at the Springpole alkaline gold project near Red Lake Ontario, a five million-ounce gold asset that was recently sold.

Dr. Hennigh obtained a Ph.D. in Geology/Geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines.

Dr. Craig Hart is a world-renowned scholar on gold and copper deposits. He most recently served as Director of the Mineral Deposit Research Unit at the University of British

Columbia, where he initiated industry-sponsored research projects that focused on gold and porphyry systems and development of novel exploration methods. He has published over 150 technical papers and spent 14 years with the Yukon Geological Survey.

Mr. Branson brings over 15 years' industry experience to the Snowline team, having helped to organize and manage more than $55M in exploration expenditures and over 180,000 metres of drilling. His experience spans several continents but is focused in BC and the Yukon. A registered professional geologist with Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, Mr. Branson holds a B.Sc. in Earth and Ocean Science from the University of British Columbia and an M.Sc. in Exploration Geology from Rhodes University in South Africa.

Mr. Rennalls' has worked on the Einarson project in various capacities during four exploration seasons, including most recently with Snowline Gold in 2021 as Camp Manager and logistics manager for the Einarson, Rogue, Ursa, Rainbow and Tosh projects. Mr. Rennalls' background is in marketing, and his acumen, enthusiasm, and lateral thinking in logistics demonstrated during the 2021 field program reinforce his promise in this essential management role. Mr. Rennalls holds a B.Com. from McMaster University and an M.Sc. Admin. from Concordia University.


Snowline Gold Corp. (CSE:SGD) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to announce that it has completed the second tranche of its previously announced (July 5, 2022) non-brokered private placement, issuing 2,342,293 units of the Company (the "Units") at a price of C$1.25 per Unit, for aggregate gross proceeds of C$2,927,866. Each Unit is comprised of one common share of the Company and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole common share purchase warrant, a "Warrant"), with each Warrant being exercisable for one common share of the Company at an exercise price of C$2.50 until August 2, 2024 (the "Offering

Figure 1 - A visual breakdown of the Offering. The Unit component is a "hard dollar" (i.e. non-flow through) raise, and the Warrants are valid for two years. The FT Shares do not involve warrants, and they are supported by strong back-end Snowline investors who do not receive the flow-through benefits.

The gross proceeds from the issue and sale of Units will be used to support advancement of exploration on the Company's Yukon Territory mineral properties and for general and working capital purposes.

All securities issued in connection with the second tranche of the Offering are subject to a hold period of four months and one day from the closing of the second tranche of the Offering, in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws, expiring on December 3, 2022.

Crescat Capital LLC ("Crescat") subscribed to the Offering to maintain its pro-rata interest pursuant to its pre-emptive right granted under the terms of an investment agreement with Snowline, to participate in certain equity offerings undertaken by the Company. Crescat has beneficial ownership of, control or direction over, directly or indirectly, more than 10% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company. Accordingly, the Offering and the issuance of the Units insofar as they involve Crescat constitutes a related party transaction for the purposes of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). The Company is not required to obtain a formal valuation for the Offering by virtue of section 5.4 of MI 61-101. In addition, the Company is relying on the exemption from the formal valuation and minority approval requirements of MI 61-101 set out in section 5.5(a) and section 5.7(a) of MI 61-101 as the fair market value of the Offering is not more than 25% of market capitalization. A material change report will be filed in connection with the Offering less than 21 days in advance of the closing of the Offering, which the Company deems reasonable in the circumstances so as to be able complete the Offering in an expeditious manner.

No finder's fees have been nor will be paid in connection with the Offering.

The securities issued under the Offering have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and were not to be offered or sold in the United States absentregistration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This news release shall notconstitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securitiesin the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with a seven-project portfolio covering >127,000 ha. The Company is exploring its flagship >85,000 ha Rogue and Einarson gold projects in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits including Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Newmont's Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine. The Company's first-mover land position and extensive database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.


Scott Berdahl, MSc, MBA, PGeo CEO & Director

For further information, please contact: Snowline Gold Corp. +1 778 650 5485


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the anticipated use of proceeds from the Offering, the intention to file a material change report and the Company's future plans and intentions. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof. Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

News Provided by ACCESSWIRE via QuoteMedia

Snowline Gold Corp. (CSE:SGD)(OTCQB:SNWGF) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to announce it has entered into a 5-year lease agreement with the Nacho Nyak Dun Development Corporation (NNDDC) for installation and use of a 27 kilowatt solar generator system. Designed and built by Yukon-based Solvest Inc., the solar generator will dramatically reduce diesel consumption at Snowline's 45-person "Forks" camp on its Rogue Project in the eastern Yukon, located within the Traditional Territory of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun (FNNND

Estimates provided by Solvest based on data collected from Snowline's 2021 field program predict the new solar generator could save up to 12,572 litres of diesel per season, reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the camp generator by 90%. This reduces not only fuel costs, but also the total number of flights required to support the project, resulting in a net positive impact both financially and environmentally. Additional benefits include the associated reduction in diesel generator operating time, which lessens camp noise to create better living standards for crew, while also lowering the potential for disturbance of local wildlife.

"Investments such as this are examples of how Indigenous businesses are leading the way in accelerating the green economy, and innovations such as this provide opportunities for such entities to become increasingly engaged in the mineral resource sector," said Jani Djokic, CEO of NNDDC. "We see this investment as just the first of many of its kind and we are working towards building a fleet that can be deployed throughout the Traditional Territory."

"This project is a tangible example of how Snowline is realizing our corporate vision," said Steve Rennalls, Operations Manager for Snowline. "It increases efficiency while creating financial and environmental value. It improves our employees' work environment, it is yet another collaborative project with the Nacho Nyak Dun Development Corporation, and it is provided by Solvest, one of the Yukon's most innovative companies."

Added Scott Berdahl, CEO and Director of Snowline: "We are grateful to the Nacho Nyak Dun Development Corporation and to Solvest for presenting Snowline with this opportunity to innovate. The initiative puts Snowline into another ‘first mover' category as we look for ways to eliminate the negative and enhance the positive impacts of our exploration activities. We trust the data collected will be instrumental in allowing additional resource companies to effectively assess potential renewable energy solutions."

Installation of the solar generator system is complete, and the system is now fully operational, providing a majority of the camp's power.

Cooperation with NNDDC owned and affiliated companies has been instrumental to Snowline's discovery successes. These companies have provided substantial support to the Company's 2021 and 2022 field programs, providing general exploration services, vegetative reclamation, drilling, fixed and rotary wing air support, and other services.

Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with a seven-project portfolio covering >127,000 ha. The Company is exploring its flagship >85,000 ha Einarson and Rogue gold projects in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits including Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Newmont's Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine. The Company's first-mover land position and extensive database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.


This year NNDDC is celebrating 25 years of business. NNDDC is the primary active business arm of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun, developing and managing business interests that provide a return to the Nation, both within and outside the Traditional Territory. This project is just one example of the types of partnerships that NNDDC has created over the years.


Scott Berdahl CEO & Director

For further information, please contact: Snowline Gold Corp. +1 778 650 5485

Jani Djokic, CEO Nacho Nyak Dun Development Corporation +1 867 456 4340

Alex Maltais, Marketing Manager Solvest Inc. +1 867 457 5690


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements about the expected performance of the leased solar generator system and plans for exploring and expanding a new greenfield, district-scale gold system. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.

Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things: risks related to uncertainties inherent in drill results and the estimation of mineral resources; and risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

News Provided by ACCESSWIRE via QuoteMedia


Snowline Gold Corp. (CSE:SGD) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to announce that it has completed the first tranche of its previously announced non-brokered private placement, issuing 7 million flow-through common shares of the Company (the "FT Shares") at a price of C$1.40 per FT Share and 10 million units of the Company (the "Units") at a price of C$1.25 per Unit, for aggregate gross proceeds of C$22.3 million. Each Unit is comprised of one common share of the Company and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole common share purchase warrant, a "Warrant"), with each Warrant being exercisable for one common share of the Company at an exercise price of C$2.50 until July 22, 2024 (the "Offering

"With the close of this first tranche, Snowline is well funded to explore through the next two field seasons," said Scott Berdahl, CEO and director of Snowline. "The funds also allow us to accelerate our exploration plan, effectively bringing drill holes we'd anticipated for 2023 into the current season, and from 2024 into 2023. We are grateful for the ongoing support of Crescat Capital and of other shareholders who made this transformative financing possible amidst challenging capital market conditions."

Figure 1 - A visual breakdown of the Offering. The Unit component is a "hard dollar" (i.e. non-flow through) raise, and the Warrants are valid for two years. The FT Shares do not involve warrants, and they are supported by strong back-end Snowline investors who do not receive the flow-through benefits. *Note that the second tranche of the financing has not yet closed and is still on track for an anticipated close date of August 2, 2022.

The gross proceeds from the issue and sale of the FT Shares will be used to support advancement of exploration on the Company's Yukon Territory mineral properties, which will qualify as "Canadian Exploration Expenses" and "flow-through mining expenditures", as those terms are defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), which will be renounced to the initial purchasers of the FT Shares with an effective date no later than December 31, 2022. The gross proceeds from the issue and sale of Units will be used to support advancement of exploration on the Company's Yukon Territory mineral properties and for general and working capital purposes.

All securities issued in connection with the first tranche of the Offering are subject to a hold period of four months and one day from the closing of the first tranche of the Offering, in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws, expiring on November 23, 2022.

The second and final tranche of the Offering, comprising the issuance of 2,342,293 additional Units for additional gross proceeds of C$2,927,866.25, is expected to close on or around August 2, 2022.

No finder's fees have been nor will be paid in connection with the Offering.

The securities issued under the Offering have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and were not to be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

In addition, the Company announces that the Board of Directors of the Company has granted a total of 1,000,00 incentive stock options to various employees, consultants, and directors of the Company. The options are exercisable for one share each at $1.76 per share for a period of five years and are subject to the terms of the Company's Stock Option Plan. Options are subject to vesting provisions of 20% every six months from the date of the grant. The options are intended to motivate and retain key technical talent integral to the company's success.

Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with a seven-project portfolio covering >127,000 ha. The Company is exploring its flagship >85,000 ha Rogue and Einarson gold projects in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits including Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Newmont's Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine. The Company's first-mover land position and extensive database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.


Scott Berdahl, MSc, MBA, PGeo CEO & Director

For further information, please contact:

Snowline Gold Corp. +1 778 650 5485


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the anticipated use of proceeds from the Offering, timing for completing future exploration plans, timing for closing the second tranche of the Offering and the Company's future plans, intentions and long-term success. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof. Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

News Provided by ACCESSWIRE via QuoteMedia


Snowline Gold Corp. (CSE:SGD) (US OTC:SNWGF) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to announce that it has arranged to issue, on a non-brokered private placement basis, (a) up to 7,000,000 flow-through common shares of the Company (the "FT Shares") at a price of C$1.40 per FT Share for gross proceeds of up to C$9,800,000 and (b) up to 12,342,293 units of the Company (the "Units") at a price of C$1.25 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to C$15,427,866.25. Each Unit is comprised of one common share of the Company and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole common share purchase warrant, a "Warrant"), with each Warrant being exercisable for one common share of the Company at an exercise price of C$2.50 for a period of two years(the "Offering

The gross proceeds from the issue and sale of the FT Shares will be used to support advancement of exploration on the Company's Yukon Territory mineral properties, which will qualify as "Canadian Exploration Expenses" and "flow-through mining expenditures", as those terms are defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada), which will be renounced to the initial purchasers of the FT Shares with an effective date no later than December 31, 2022. The gross proceeds from the issue and sale of Units will be used to support advancement of exploration on the Company's Yukon Territory mineral properties and for general and working capital purposes.

It is expected that the closing of the Offering will occur in two tranches, the first tranche closing on or about July 22, 2022 and the second tranche closing on or about August 2, 2022 and closing is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions, including receipt of acceptance of the Canadian Securities Exchange. All securities issued in connection with the Offering will be subject to a hold period of four months and one day from the date of closing, in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws.

The securities issued under the Offering have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and were not to be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with a seven-project portfolio covering >127,000 ha. The Company is exploring its flagship >85,000 ha Einarson and Rogue gold projects in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits including Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Newmont's Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine. The Company's first-mover land position and extensive database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.

ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD Scott Berdahl, MSc, MBA, PGeo CEO & Director

For further information, please contact:

Snowline Gold Corp. +1 778 650 5485


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the anticipated use of proceeds from the Offering, the expected timing for closing the first and second tranches of the Offering and the Company's future plans and intentions. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof. Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

News Provided by ACCESSWIRE via QuoteMedia

Snowline Gold Corp. (CSE:SGD)(OTCQB:SNWGF) (the "Company" or "Snowline") is pleased to report that it has intersected mineralization from bedrock surface in its first hole of 2022, drilled at the Rogue project's Valley Zone in Canada's Yukon Territory. V-22-005 encountered thin (1-60 mm) sheeted quartz veins through to at least its present depth of 233 metres (as of Sunday, June 12, 2022; drilling ongoing at time of writing). Seven separate veins hosting trace visible gold were observed between 39 and 220 metres downhole during initial logging. The collar location is a 154-metre step-back from 2021 hole V-21-003 which also encountered a broad zone of mineralization from the bedrock surface

Figure 1 - Closeup of V-22-005 drill core at 197 m downhole. Seven grains of visible gold (red circles) were identified along the margins of a single quartz vein here during initial evaluation of the drill core. Visible gold has also been identified in six other veins throughout the hole. Note that this figure highlights one feature of V-22-005 and is not meant to be representative of the entire hole. Assays for this and the rest of the hole remain pending. Core shown is 4.76 cm in diameter.

"Hole V-22-005 was designed to get a better sense of the width of the sheeted quartz vein arrays that constitute the Valley Zone," said Scott Berdahl, CEO and Director of Snowline. "That we encountered mineralization at surface is encouraging, as this expands the known surface width of the Valley Zone by roughly 150 metres, and the width remains open. The true significance of the mineralization awaits assay results, but we are pleased to see this initial demonstration of scale. Subsequent holes will begin to test the strike length and depth of the mineralized system."

Figure 2 - V-22-005 drill core from 200.9 to 227.5 m downhole. Sheeted quartz vein densities of between 10 and 20 veins per metre occur from 205 to 227 m downhole, within a coarse-grained biotite-hornblende diorite intrusion. Quartz vein densities are generally between 3 to 5 veins per metre throughout the length of the hole to its present depth of 233 m. Trace visible gold was identified in quartz at 211 m. Note that the image above is a composite from two photos, with a perspective warp applied to give a consistent top-down view. Assays for this zone are pending, and detailed logging of this section has yet to be completed.

Mineralization in V-22-005 comprises thin (average 3-5 mm) subparallel quartz veins with minor sulphide minerals cutting coarse-grained diorite of the Valley intrusion. Occasional thicker (up to 6 cm) quartz veins with minor sulphides have also been intersected. Small (sub millimeter) grains of visible gold were identified at around 39 m, 63 m, 88 m, 126 m, 197 m, 211 m and 220 m depth during initial evaluation of the drill core. Gold grains are associated with minor bismuthinite and/or telluride grains within the thin quartz veins. Vein densities average 3 to 5 per metre throughout the hole so far, with localized zones averaging up to 20 veins per metre.

Figure 3 - Schematic cross section showing relationship of V-22-005 to previous drilling. Instances of sub millimetre visible gold identified in initial evaluation of the drill core are denoted by yellow stars. Visible gold has now been observed in all 5 of 5 total holes drilled at Valley. Note that holes V-21-001 and V-21-002 are collared behind the section and are coming out of the page towards the viewer. The surface trace of the section is shown in Figure 4.

Assays for V-22-005 are pending, and drilling of the hole is ongoing at the time of writing. While the Company finds these visual results to be encouraging, it cautions that the significance of the observations reported herein will not be known until assays are received and reviewed. Valley is an early-stage exploration project without a resource estimate, and the presence or absence of an economically viable orebody cannot be determined until significant additional work is completed.

Table 1 - Location and orientation of V-22-005, currently underway at Valley. Project staff may change the planned depth depending on results and other factors.

Figure 4 - Location of V-22-005, Snowline's first drill hole of the 2022 exploration season, currently underway at Valley. The hole is a 154 m step back from V-21-003, which intersected 1.25 g/t Au over 168.7 m from surface. The white line from the collar location indicates current progress of the drill hole, which will be extended past its 300 m target depth if mineralization continues. A thin dark blue line denotes the section location portrayed in Figure 3.

The geological setting and style of mineralization at Rogue's Valley Zone demonstrate the presence of a bulk tonnage gold target, with similarities to Kinross's Fort Knox Mine in Alaska and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine in the Yukon. An 800 m Phase I drill program conducted at Valley in September 2021 encountered broad zones of gold mineralization in all four holes drilled (e.g. see Snowline news release dated February 10, 2022). Gold is associated with bismuthinite and telluride minerals hosted in sheeted quartz vein arrays along the margins of a mid-Cretaceous aged Mayo-series intrusion.

Valley is one of at least five bulk-tonnage gold targets present on Snowline's Rogue project. The Gracie target, roughly 4 km to the east, covers a 5.1 km gold in soil and talus fine anomaly above an unexposed felsic intrusion (see Snowline news release dated April 7, 2022). Mineralization is thought to be similar to that at Valley. Following surface work to optimize drill targeting and assuming viable targets are identified, Phase I drilling will commence at Gracie in mid-season 2022.

Figure 5 - Location of V-22-005 in the context of the broader Valley-Gracie trend. Surface geochemistry and geophysics (Z-axis Tipper Electromagnetic Survey) data suggest the presence of a potentially similar reduced intrusion related gold system at Gracie. Snowline intends to drill 3,000 m or more at Valley in 2022, and to drill the first-ever holes into the Gracie target following further surface review and targeting.

Snowline Gold Corp. is a Yukon Territory focused gold exploration company with a seven-project portfolio covering >127,000 ha. The Company is exploring its flagship >85,000 ha Einarson and Rogue gold projects in the highly prospective yet underexplored Selwyn Basin. Snowline's project portfolio sits within the prolific Tintina Gold Province, host to multiple million-ounce-plus gold mines and deposits including Kinross' Fort Knox mine, Newmont's Coffee deposit, and Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine. The Company's first-mover land position and extensive database provide a unique opportunity for investors to be part of multiple discoveries and the creation of a new gold district.

Figure 6 - Project location map for Snowline Gold's eastern Selwyn Basin properties. The Valley Zone on the Rogue project is the site of V-22-005, which is actively being drilled.

Information in this release has been prepared under supervision of and approved by Thomas K. Branson, M.Sc., P. Geo., Exploration Manager for Snowline and a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.


Scott Berdahl CEO & Director

For further information, please contact: Snowline Gold Corp. +1 778 650 5485


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements about the Company's upcoming drill program, implied significance of visual inspection of drill core, and surface work and plans for exploring and expanding a new greenfield, district-scale gold system. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.

Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things: risks related to uncertainties inherent in drill results and the estimation of mineral resources; and risks associated with executing the Company's plans and intentions. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

News Provided by ACCESSWIRE via QuoteMedia

Alexco Resource Corp. (NYSE American: AXU) (TSX: AXU) ("Alexco" or the "Company") announced today that the Company has obtained a final order from the Supreme Court of British Columbia approving the previously announced acquisition of Alexco by 1080980 B .C. Ltd. (" 108 "), a subsidiary of Hecla Mining Company (NYSE: HL) (" Hecla ") by way of a plan of arrangement (the " Arrangement "). Under the terms of the Arrangement, Alexco's shareholders (the " Shareholders ") will receive 0.116 common shares in the capital of Hecla for each Alexco share held (the " Consideration ").

The Arrangement remains subject to the satisfaction or waiver of customary closing conditions and is expected to close on September 7, 2022 . Following completion of the Arrangement, the common shares of Alexco are expected to be delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYSE American. An application is also expected to be made for the Company to cease to be a reporting issuer in the applicable jurisdictions upon closing of the Arrangement.

Information regarding the procedure for exchange of shares for Consideration is provided in the Company's management information circular dated July 28, 2022 (the " Circular "). The Circular is available on SEDAR under the Company's profile at and on the Company's website at .

Alexco is a Canadian primary silver company that owns and operates the majority of the historic Keno Hill Silver District in Canada's Yukon Territory , one of the highest-grade silver mines in the world.

This news release contains forward-looking statements, which relate to future events or future performance. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements herein include, without limitation, statements with respect to the consummation and timing of the Arrangement; the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions precedent to the transaction; the Consideration to be received by Shareholders; the expected benefits of the Arrangement; the timing and receipt of any other regulatory consents and approvals; the delisting of the Alexco shares; and the intention that Alexco will cease to be a reporting issuer. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including assumptions as to the ability of Alexco and Hecla to receive, in a timely manner and on satisfactory terms, the necessary regulatory and other third party approvals; the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions to closing of the Arrangement in a timely manner and completion of the Arrangement on the expected terms; the expected adherence to the terms of the arrangement agreement, as assigned and amended (the "Arrangement Agreement") and agreements related thereto; the adequacy of our and Hecla's financial resources; favourable equity and debt capital markets; and stability in financial capital markets. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others: the risk that the Arrangement may not close when planned or at all or on the terms and conditions set forth in the Arrangement Agreement; the failure of the Company and Hecla to obtain the necessary regulatory and other third-party approvals, or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Arrangement, in a timely manner, or at all, may result in the Arrangement not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all; changes in laws, regulations and government practices; if a third party makes a Superior Proposal (as defined in the Arrangement Agreement), the Arrangement may not be completed and the Company may be required to pay the Termination Fee (as defined in the Arrangement Agreement); if the Arrangement is not completed, and the Company continues as an independent entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Arrangement and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the Arrangement could have an impact on the Company's current business relationships and could have a material adverse effect on the current and future operations, financial condition and prospects of the Company; future prices of silver, gold, lead, zinc and other commodities; market competition; and the geopolitical, economic, permitting legal climate that Alexco and Hecla operate in; and the additional risks and uncertainties identified in Alexco's filings with Canadian securities regulators on SEDAR in Canada (available at ) and with the SEC on EDGAR (available at ). These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required under applicable securities legislation, the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances.

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News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia

Red Pine Exploration Inc. (TSXV: RPX, OTCQB: RDEXF) ("Red Pine" or the "Company") is pleased to report new results from its 2022 Phase 1 exploration program in the Minto Mine South Deposit. Red Pine drilling continues to increase the footprint of mineralization within the Minto Mine South Deposit.

Quentin Yarie, President, and CEO of Red Pine Exploration commented: " The Minto mine drilling results demonstrate that the current Minto Mine Resource is likely of higher grade than currently calculated. Increased drill density of the Minto Mine South Deposit is mitigating the nugget affect we are conscious of. These recent drill results represent an important step forward on our progress expanding the current resources at the Wawa Gold Project. Based on our results the high-grade Minto mineralization could very well become an exciting focal point for Red Pine.

With continued drilling success, we anticipate updating the Minto Mine South resource in the following fiscal year."

High-grade gold in the Minto Mine Deposit

Red Pine continued to infill strategic gaps in the current resource of the Minto Mine Deposit. In SD-22-377, high-grade gold mineralization was intersected in a gap in the Minto resource 30 meters up-plunge of the intersection of 68.71g/t gold over 4.72 meters in SD-22-373 (Table 1; see press release of July 14 th , 2022). In addition, SD-22-373 identified a network of high-grade quartz veins above the Minto Mine Shear Zone. In SD-22-371, located down-plunge of the intersection in SD-22-373, visible gold was observed in the Minto vein, but assays remain pending.

Table 1– Minto Mine Deposit (refer to Figure 1)

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Red Pine is actively continuing its exploration program. The company is awaiting results from the Surluga North, Surluga South and Jubilee Shear Zone south of the Parkhill Fault.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control ("QA/QC") Measures

Drill core samples were transported in security sealed bags for analyses to Actlabs in Ancaster, Ontario. Individual samples were labelled, placed in plastic sample bags and sealed. Groups of samples were then placed into durable rice bags and shipped. The residual coarse reject portions of the samples remain in storage if further work or verification is needed.

Red Pine has implemented a quality-control program to comply with best practices in the sampling and analysis of drill core. As part of its QA/QC program, Red Pine inserts external gold standards (low to high grade) and blanks every 20 samples in addition to random standards, blanks, and duplicates.

Quentin Yarie, P.Geo. and Chief Executive Officer of Red Pine and the Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed, and approved the news release's technical information.

Red Pine has developed and implemented compliant precautions and procedures according to guidelines for the Province of Ontario. Protocols were put in place to ensure our employees' and contractors' safety, thereby reducing the potential for community contact and spreading of the virus.

About Red Pine Exploration Inc.

Red Pine Exploration Inc. is a gold exploration company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "RPX" and on the OTCQB Markets under the symbol "RDEXF".

The Wawa Gold Project is in the Michipicoten Greenstone Belt of Ontario, a region that has seen major investment by several producers in the last five years. Its land package hosts numerous historic gold mines and is over 6,900 hectares in size. The Company's Chairman of the Board is Paul Martin, the former CEO of Detour Gold. The Board has extensive and diverse experience at such entities as Alamos, Barrick, Generation Mining, Detour Gold and Paramount Gold Nevada Corp. Led by Quentin Yarie, CEO, who has over 25 years of experience in mineral exploration, Red Pine is strengthening its position as a major mineral exploration and development player in the Michipicoten region.

For more information about the Company, visit

Or contact: Quentin Yarie, President and CEO, (416) 364-7024,

Carrie Howes, Director Corporate Communications, (416) 644-7375,

1 National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report for the Wawa Gold Project, Brian Thomas P.Geo. Golder Associates Ltd, report effective August 18, 2021.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This News Release contains forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may", "should", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "predicts", "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our or our industry's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

News Provided by GlobeNewswire via QuoteMedia

Whitehorse Gold Corp. (TSXV: WHG) (OTCQX: WHGDF) ("Whitehorse Gold" or the "Company") announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Stannum Metals Corp., on August 22, 2022 signed an agreement to acquire a 100% interest in a private Bolivian incorporated mining company (the "Porvenir Tin Company") from its three shareholders (the "Vendors"). The Vendors are Bolivian nationals and arm's length parties.

The Porvenir Tin Company's main asset is the Porvenir tin-zinc-silver-lead polymetallic mineral Project (the "Property"), or ATE (Temporary Special Authorization), located in the Oruro Department, Bolivia (see Figure 1 for location). The Property was subjected to some small-scale, historic mining and was explored and drilled by Japanese mining company, Dowa Metals and Mining Company ("Dowa") in 2005 (see Figure 2 for Property map and drill locations). In total, Dowa completed 88 diamond drill holes in approximately 25,000 metres ("m") based on the data acquired by the Company from an independent source.

A review of Dowa's historic drill assay results shows they had selectively sampled cores with obvious massive pyrite/sphalerite. Dowa identified more than 19 tin-zinc veins assaying up to 941 grams per tonne silver, 6.34% lead, 28.1% zinc, 10.20% tin, and 500 grams per tonne indium (see Figure 3 & 4 for two drill sections).

Two best historic drill holes are hole PV-41, which intercepted a 15.05 m interval (from 316 m to 331 m) grading 2.04% tin, 2.4% zinc, and 11 grams per tonne silver (Figure 3), and hole PV-01, which intercepted a 6.05 m interval (from 191 m to 197 m) grading 2.27% tin, 3.23% zinc, and 13 grams per tonne silver (Figure 4).

The Company's geologists sampled a 0.5 m long uncut Dowa core with alteration but no obvious sulfide and returned 0.56% tin and 0.34% zinc, suggesting Dowa may have missed tin mineralization intervals that are low in other sulfide mineralization (see figure 5). After closing the acquisition and before being granting a drilling permit by the Bolivia Government, the Company plans to cut, and re-sample Dowa's historical drill cores stored on site.

Major Terms of the Agreement

The Company will pay a total of US$1.75 million to acquire 100% of the Porvenir Tin Company in the following instalments:

Payment of US$750,000 to the Vendors for 51% as an initial, non-refundable down-payment following the signing of the Agreement.

On the first anniversary of signing, Whitehorse Gold will pay a further US$750,000 to the Vendors for the remaining 49% of the Tin Company.

On the second anniversary of signing, a further US$250,000 will be payable to the Vendors.

There is no finders fee payable in connection with this transaction.

Closing of the transaction is subject to regulatory approval, and other conditions as set out in the Agreement.

Figure 1. Location of Porvenir in Bolivia To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit:

At an elevation of approximately 4,100 m, the 11.25 square kilometres (km²) Property is located in the Oruro Department of Bolivia (Figure 1), approximately 25 km Southwest of the Huanuni Mine, the largest tin mine in Bolivia. Access is relatively easy with paved access from Oruro for 60 km and dirt road access for 10 km from the town of Venta Y Media.

The mineralization is hosted within near vertical NNW to NW trending structures which occur within Silurian age (423 - 419 Ma) clasticsediments comprising interbedded and layered units of sandstone and shale. The mineralization comprises a stockwork framework formed by a series of mineralized stringers,

Tin is hosted within cassiterite (SnO2), while sphalerite (ZnS) is the primary zinc mineral, with silver being hosted in tetrahedrite. Quartz, pyrite, siderite, barite, and kaolinite account for the majority of gangue and alteration mineral assemblages.

In 2005 Dowa conducted a 25,000 m, 88 hole diamond drill program (Figure 2) at Porvenir. Five clusters of Dowa drill holes (mineralized zones) were completed by Dowa. Figure 2 shows the Property boundary highlighting the location of the historic drill holes, mineralized zones, and the location of the two cross sections included herein.

Figure 2: Property boundary at Porvenir To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit:

Table 1: Historic, Tin (Sn), Zinc (Zn), and Silver (Ag) Mineralized Drill Intercepts

To view an enhanced version of Table 1, please visit:

Figures 3 and 4 show two NE-SW drill cross sections (A-B and C-D) of historic drilling results (looking NW). In the cross sections, Dowa's drill core samples are marked in black and clearly show selective sampling practice that might have missed tin intervals with low sulfide contents.

Figure 3: Drill cross section A-B To view an enhanced version of Figure 3, please visit:

Figure 4: Drill cross section C-D. To view an enhanced version of Figure 4, please visit:

Figure 5: A 0.5m long section of Dowa core with alteration but no obvious sulfide and returned 0.56% tin and 0.34% zinc from WHG assay testing. To view an enhanced version of Figure 5, please visit:

Donald J. Birak, independent consultant geologist and Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101, has conducted a site visit to this Property and has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this news release. As only a limited amount of historic core and no assay samples exist for inspection or resampling, the Qualified Person was not able to validate the historic drill results and the Qualified Person is relying on the historic drill results only as indicative of the style of mineralization on the Property.

Whitehorse Gold is a mineral exploration and development company focusing on tin projects in Bolivia and a gold development project in the Yukon. The company owns 51% of the Porvenir tin project 70 km southeast of Oruro Bolivia, and the right to increase ownership to 100%. The company also has the right to acquire a 100% interest in a second tin project 65 km southeast of Oruro Bolivia. The company also owns 100% of the Skukum Gold project located in southern Yukon, approximately 55 km south-southwest of Whitehorse. The Skukum Gold project hosts the formerly producing Mt. Skukum high-grade gold mine. Project infrastructure includes an all-weather access road, a 50-person camp, approximately 6 kms of underground development, and a previously operating 300-tpd mill and associated support facilities. Underground operations by a previous operator at Mt. Skukum from 1986 to 1988 saw 233,400 tons of ore mined and processed to recover approximately 79,750 ounces of gold (Total Energold Corporation, 1989).

On Behalf of Whitehorse Gold Corp.

signed "Gordon Neal"

Gordon Neal, CEO & Director

For further information please contact: Investor Relations, Whitehorse Gold Corp., Phone: (604) 336-5919 Email:

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Certain of the statements and information in this press release constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian provincial securities laws. Any statements or information that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects", "is expected", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "projects", "estimates", "assumes", "intends", "strategies", "targets", "goals", "forecasts", "objectives", "budgets", "schedules", "potential" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements or information. Forward-looking statements or information relate to, among other things: the timing for payments under the Agreement including the acquisition of an initial 51% of the Tin Company and the remaining 100%; that the Project could be successful exploration venture for the Company that the tin market will see further growth; and the timing for receipt of regulatory approvals required under the Agreement; the assembling of a Bolivian drilling team; completion of the confirmation drilling; the acquisition by the Company of the Tin Company pursuant to the terms of the Agreement; and the implementation of the drilling program by the common standards of the best practices best practices of industry..

Forward-looking statements or information are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, risks relating to: regulatory approvals for the acquisition of the Tin Company; the ability of the Company to finance the acquisition of the Tin Company; the inability or failure of the Company and the Vendors to satisfy the conditions to the completion of the acquisition of the Tin Company; the ability of the Company to integrate the Tin Company into the Company's existing operations; the devotion of management time and resources required to complete the acquisition of the Tin Company; the advancement globally of electrification with decarbonization; current global financial conditions the availability of a Bolivian drilling team and the ability to complete the confirmation drilling within the time permitted under the Agreement; the possibility that the confirmation drilling and future exploration results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; the ability of Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to complete the confirmation drilling; operating in Bolivia including possible expropriation or nationalization without adequate compensation, changing political and fiscal regimes, and economic and regulatory instability, unanticipated changes to royalty and tax regulations, unreliable or undeveloped infrastructure, labour unrest and labour scarcity, difficulty obtaining key equipment and components for equipment, regulations and restrictions with respect to imports and exports; high rates of inflation, extreme fluctuations in currency exchange rates and the imposition of currency controls, the possible unilateral cancellation or forced re-negotiation of contracts, and uncertainty regarding enforceability of contractual rights, inability to obtain fair dispute resolution or judicial determinations because of bias, corruption or abuse of power, difficulties enforcing judgments generally, and in particular those obtained in Canadian courts against assets located outside of those jurisdictions, difficulty understanding and complying with the regulatory and legal framework respecting the ownership and maintenance of mineral properties, mines and mining operations, and with respect to permitting, local opposition to mine development projects, which include the potential for violence, property damage and frivolous or vexatious claims, violence and more prevalent or stronger organized crime groups; terrorism and hostage taking, military repression and increased likelihood of international conflicts or aggression, and increased public health concerns; fluctuating commodity prices; calculation of resources, reserves and mineralization and precious and base metal recovery; interpretations and assumptions of mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates; exploration and development programs; feasibility and engineering reports; title to properties; property interests; joint venture partners; acquisition of commercially mineable mineral rights; economic factors affecting the Company; timing, estimated amount, capital and operating expenditures and economic returns of future production; competition; operations and political conditions; environmental risks; insurance; risks and hazards of mining operations; key personnel; conflicts of interest; and dependence on management..

This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Forward-looking statements or information are statements about the future and are inherently uncertain, and actual achievements of the Company or other future events or conditions may differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information due to a variety of risks, uncertainties and other factors, including, without limitation, those referred to in the Company's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2021 under the heading "Risk Factors". Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.

The Company's forward-looking statements and information are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this press release, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements and information if circumstances or management's assumptions, beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, or changes in any other events affecting such statements or information. For the reasons set forth above, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and information.


The technical and scientific information contained herein has been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101, which differs from the standards adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). Accordingly, the technical and scientific information contained herein, including any estimates of mineral reserves and mineral resources, may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by U.S. companies subject to the disclosure requirements of the SEC.

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News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia

Alexco Resource Corp. (NYSE American: AXU) (TSX: AXU) ("Alexco" or the "Company") announced today that the Company's Securityholders (as defined below) approved the previously announced acquisition of Alexco by 1080980 B .C. Ltd. (" 108 "), a subsidiary of Hecla Mining Company ( NYSE: HL ) (" Hecla ") by way of a plan of arrangement (the " Arrangement ") at a special meeting of Securityholders held earlier today (the " Meeting ").

The special resolution approving the Arrangement was approved by (i) 92.04% of the votes cast by Alexco's shareholders (the " Alexco Shareholders ") present or represented by proxy at the Meeting; (ii) 92.92% of the votes cast by Alexco Shareholders, optionholders, restricted share unit holders and deferred share unit holders of Alexco (collectively, " Securityholders "), voting as a single class, present or represented by proxy at the Meeting; and (iii) 91.50% of votes cast by Alexco Shareholders other than votes attached to Alexco shares required to be excluded pursuant to Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions .

Under the terms of the Arrangement, Alexco Shareholders will receive 0.116 common shares in the capital of Hecla for each Alexco share held (the " Consideration "). Information regarding the procedure for exchange of shares for Consideration is provided in the Company's management information circular dated July 28, 2022 , related to the Meeting (the " Circular "). The Circular and accompanying letter of transmittal (the " Letter of Transmittal ") are available on SEDAR under the Company's profile on SEDAR at and on the Company's website at . If you are a holder of Alexco restricted share units, you will need to wait to submit your Letter of Transmittal until you have received details from the Company following the effective date of the Arrangement regarding your shares of Alexco.

The Arrangement remains subject to approval of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (the " Court ") and the satisfaction or waiver of other customary conditions. On July 27, 2022 , the Commissioner of Competition issued an advance ruling certificate. The Court hearing for the final order to approve the Arrangement is currently scheduled to take place on September 1, 2022 and closing of the Arrangement is expected to close on September 7, 2022 . Following completion of the Arrangement, Alexco's shares are expected to be delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange and NYSE American. An application is also expected to be made for the Company to cease to be a reporting issuer in the applicable jurisdictions upon closing of the Arrangement.

Additional information regarding the terms of the Arrangement is set out in the Circular which is available under Alexco's profile at .

Alexco is a Canadian primary silver company that owns and operates the majority of the historic Keno Hill Silver District in Canada's Yukon Territory , one of the highest-grade silver mines in the world.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements, which relate to future events or future performance. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements herein include, without limitation, statements with respect to the consummation and timing of the Arrangement; the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions precedent to the transaction; the Consideration to be received by Alexco Shareholders; the expected benefits of the Arrangement; the timing, receipt and anticipated approval of the Court, and of any other regulatory consents and approvals; the delisting of the Alexco shares; and the intention that Alexco will cease to be a reporting issuer. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company, including assumptions as to the ability of Alexco and Hecla to receive, in a timely manner and on satisfactory terms, the necessary regulatory, Court and other third party approvals; the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions to closing of the Arrangement in a timely manner and completion of the Arrangement on the expected terms; the expected adherence to the terms of the arrangement agreement, as assigned and amended (the "Arrangement Agreement") and agreements related thereto; the adequacy of our and Hecla's financial resources; favourable equity and debt capital markets; and stability in financial capital markets. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others: the risk that the Arrangement may not close when planned or at all or on the terms and conditions set forth in the Arrangement Agreement; the failure of the Company and Hecla to obtain the necessary regulatory, Court, and other third-party approvals, or to otherwise satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Arrangement, in a timely manner, or at all, may result in the Arrangement not being completed on the proposed terms, or at all; changes in laws, regulations and government practices; if a third party makes a Superior Proposal (as defined in the Arrangement Agreement), the Arrangement may not be completed and the Company may be required to pay the Termination Fee (as defined in the Arrangement Agreement); if the Arrangement is not completed, and the Company continues as an independent entity, there are risks that the announcement of the Arrangement and the dedication of substantial resources of the Company to the completion of the Arrangement could have an impact on the Company's current business relationships and could have a material adverse effect on the current and future operations, financial condition and prospects of the Company; future prices of silver, gold, lead, zinc and other commodities; market competition; and the geopolitical, economic, permitting legal climate that Alexco and Hecla operate in; and the additional risks and uncertainties identified in Alexco's filings with Canadian securities regulators on SEDAR in Canada (available at ) and with the SEC on EDGAR (available at ). These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required under applicable securities legislation, the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances.

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News Provided by Canada Newswire via QuoteMedia

Steppe Gold Limited (TSX: STGO) (OTCQX: STPGF) (FSE: 2J9) ("Steppe Gold" or the "Company") is extremely pleased to report two major milestones on its Phase 2 Expansion at the ATO Gold Mine.

Steppe Gold's ATO Gold Mine has received relevant approvals from the Ministry of Energy and National Dispatching Center to build and connect a high voltage power line system of 110/35/10 kVand use 10MW from the Dornod Province State Power Plant. This is a major milestone in the Phase 2 Expansion, and a special purpose company Steppe Power LLC has been established to manage the development and connection to the state grid system.

The Company retained a leading global engineering firm to advise on available energy options for the Phase 2 Expansion, including renewable alternatives. Renewable options are generally too expensive at this scale, with traditional energy sources more economic.

With the recent significant rise in fuel prices, connecting to the state grid power system will dramatically reduce projected energy costs by 75%, or from approximately $32M to $8M annually at the Phase 2 Expansion and will reduce expected cash costs by well in excess of $100/oz.

The Company plans to commence the construction of a high voltage power line system in 2023-2024, and the flotation plant should be complete by Q3 2024.

Steppe Gold reports that the Phase 2 Expansion continues to ramp up with the new fixed crusher nearing completion in October.

All equipment for the new crushing unit has arrived via 15 open-top railway wagons and 62 trucks.

Currently, 160 tonnes of equipment have been installed out of a total of 220 tonnes, and installation work is 72% complete.

The new 1,000 tonnes per hour crushing unit consists of 2 jaw crushers, 4 hydraulic cone crushers, 5 vibration screens and 5 vibration feeders, 17 conveyor systems, 3 sets of buffer bins with steel structure, 3 underground buffer bins with steel structure and central control system.

Once operational, the new crushing unit will increase Steppe Gold's current capacity by 4 times, up to 4Mt per annum/ at 50% of its power.

Learn more about our new crushing unit in this video:

Fig 1: Fixed Crushing Unit Work in Progress

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Fig 2: Fixed Crushing Unit Work in Progress

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

As of August 20, the Company has mined 3.24 million tonnes, crushed and stacked 2.46 million tonnes @ 1.93 g/t ~ 152,510 ounces on the leach pad and 781,500 tonnes of ore at an average grade of 1.17 g/t on the ROM pad. At an estimated 70% recovery, the total inventory on the leach pad, ROM pad and pit floors is approximately 80,000 ounces of recoverable gold.

The Company has received a new batch of reagents via rail and will increase the rate of production in the coming months.

President and CEO of Steppe Gold, Bataa Tumur-Ochir, commented, "We are pleased to report solid progress on the new fixed crusher, which is a critical step in the Phase 2 Expansion. Despite a challenging period with COVID-related lockdowns in China and continued border closures, we have shipped all heavy equipment and installation work is rapidly advancing.

The Company has over 781,500 tonnes of ore on the ROM pad in addition to 735,000 tonnes of blasted material on the pit floors, and the new crushing unit will significantly increase daily crushing rates at the Phase 1 project in the winter months. We are also delighted to announce government approval to connect to the state grid power system and quota to use 10MW, which will significantly reduce operating costs for the Phase 2 Expansion of the ATO Gold Mine. This is a major milestone for us as we accelerate the major capital items for this next phase.

We also continue to work on optimizing the Phase 2 Expansion through exploration drilling and we plan to announce updates to the mine plan in the coming month or so. We are well advanced with design work on the expansion facilities, and new fuel and chemical storage facilities are complete."

Fig. 3: Leach Pad at ATO Gold Mine with Lift Complete

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Fig. 4: ROM Pad at ATO Gold Mine

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Fig 5: Fixed Crushing Unit Work in Progress

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Fig 6: Fixed Crushing Unit Work in Progress

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Fig 7: Fixed Crushing Unit Work in Progress

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

Steppe Gold Limited Steppe Gold is Mongolia's premier precious metals company.

For Further information, please contact: Bataa Tumur-Ochir, CEO and President

Shangri-La office, Suite 1201, Olympic Street19A, Sukhbaatar District 1,Ulaanbaatar 14241, Mongolia Tel: +976 7732 1914

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

The above contains forward-looking statements that are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in our forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences include: changes in world commodity markets, equity markets, costs and supply of materials relevant to the mining industry, change in government and changes to regulations affecting the mining industry. Forward-looking statements in this release include, among other things, statements regarding the trading of the Common Shares and business, economic, and political conditions in Mongolia. Although we believe the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, results may vary, and we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

News Provided by Newsfile via QuoteMedia

RooGold Inc. ("RooGold" or the "Issuer

RooGold ispleased to report that it has received high-grade gold assays from the first pass prospect sampling at its 100% held Gold Star project (EL 9215) located within the New England Orogenic Terrain in New South Wales, Australia.

Highlights - Gold Star EL 9215

Carlos Espinosa, President & Chief Executive Officer of RooGold commented, "The prospect sampling at our Gold Star Project has returned very high-grade gold assays from the historical workings at Golden Bar and Golden Star prospects. These results confirm the potential for significant gold mineralization. We have identified numerous other highly prospective gold targets within this tenement and our field team is looking to sample as soon as surface access is available."

A total of 65 rock samples were collected in and around the Golden Bar and Golden Star prospects that consist of two NW striking quartz vein systems located approximately 200 meters apart. The highest assay came from float near the historical mine workings returning significantly high grade of 23.1 g/t Au (R00391) from a smokey quartz vein containing mudstone margins and fragments. Two other high-grade samples were returned from smokey quartz veins containing sulfide stringers of pyrite and arsenopyrite in the workings, including assays grading 9.41 g/t Au (R00389) and 6.38 g/t Au (R00379). Additional lower grade, but still significant, assays were reported from the workings, grading 1.63 g/t Au each (R00384 and R00385), see Table 1.

The localization of high grade gold in quartz veins confirms the structurally-controlled nature of mineralization and supports an orogenic model.

Table 1: Significant gold assays from quartz veins at Golden Bar and Golden Star prospects.

Anomalous gold was assayed in several other samples from the prospects, including 11 samples grading in the range of 0.1 g/t Au - 1.0 g/t Au and 14 samples grading in the range of 0.01 g/t Au - 0.10 g/t Au. The remaining 35 samples returned assays lower than the detection limit of less than 0.01 g/t Au.

Other high-grade prospects along a 10 km strike to the south are yet to be sampled, including the Comet and Bull targets, where reports from historic mine workings record an average grade of 36.6 g/t Au.

The Gold Star Project (EL 9215) is located approximately 20 km south of Walcha in the Southern New England region of NSW. Walcha was the highest producing gold field in its region. The discovery of the first payable gold at Golden Star took place in 1870. In 1872 and 1873 additional reefs were found and a small-scale "rush" developed. Historical newspaper extracts at the time report spectacular grades in the area between 445 g/t Au and 840 g/t Au. However, the rush was short lived, the workings were filled in and Golden Star received little exploration since.

To this day, Golden Star remains poorly explored despite widespread historical mining activity. Limited drilling by Balmoral Resources in 1987 (seven holes totaling 199 m) and Tellus Resources in 2014 (eight holes totaling 1,327 m) focused on the immediate area around the Gold Star workings. Returning positive initial drilling results of 1.0 m grading 6.46 g/t Au and 12.0 m grading 0.67 g/t Au, respectively. No drilling or formal modern exploration has been conducted outside of the immediate Gold Star mine area.

Figure 1: Gold Star and Adjacent Dingo Project, showing recent high grade rock chips collected at the Golden Star and Golden Bar prospects by gold g/t and other prospects yet to be sampled.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) and Assay Procedures

A minimum of 3 kg of material per rock chip sample was collected in sealed calico bags by the RooGold field team. Five calico bags containing rock chips were placed in polyweave bags, each one of which was zip-tied to ensure security. The polyweave bags were transported to ALS Orange, Australia for assay testing.

ALS is independent of RooGold and is certified to international quality standards through ISO/IEC 17025:2017, including ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9002 specifications. At ALS, the rock chips underwent coarse crushing before fine crushing to 70% less than 2mm, then riffle split off 1 kg, followed by a pulverise split to better than 85% passing

Alexandra Bonner has verified the scientific and technical data disclosed in this news release, including the rock chip locations, sampling procedures, and analytical data underlying the technical information disclosed. Specifically, Alexandra Bonner reviewed the original certified assay results from ALS and verified the assay summary table produced for these rock chip samples. RooGold and Alexandra Bonner do not recognize any significant factors of sampling or recovery that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the rock chip assay data disclosed in this news release.

The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been prepared and approved by Alexandra Bonner, Vice President Exploration, who is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.

ROOGOLD is a Canada-based junior venture mineral exploration issuer which is uniquely positioned to be a dominant player in New South Wales, Australia, through a growth strategy focused on the consolidation and exploration of high potential, mineralized precious metals properties in this prolific region of Australia. Through its announced acquisitions of Southern Precious Metals Ltd., RooGold Ltd. and Aussie Precious Metals Corp. properties, RooGold commands a portfolio of 14 high-grade potential gold (10) and silver (4) concessions covering 2,696 km2 which have 139 historic mines and prospects.

Belshaw, J.P. and Jackson, L. 1950, Gold Mining Around Walcha. New England University College, Regional Research Monograph No 3. Balmoral Prospecting. (GS1987/087). Kinex. (n.d.). GS1987/087. Tellus Resources. (GS2015/0797).

For further information please contact: Carlos Espinosa, CEO

Ryan Bilodeau (416) 910-1440

This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "plan","expect", "project", "intend","believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similarwords, or statements that certain eventsor conditions "may" or "will" occur.

Although the Issuer believes that the expectations reflected in applicable forward-looking statements are reasonable, therecan be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Such forward-looking statements are subjectto risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in such statements.


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