Ripon man faces burglary charges after facing similar charges earlier this year and in 2021 | News |

2022-07-16 00:17:43 By : yu zhou

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A Ripon man previously charged for burglary faces more criminal charges, stemming from an alleged burglary of Splish Splash Clothes Bath in Ripon last November.

Jimie Lee Neidlinger, 52, has been charged with burglary of a building (a Class F Felony), damage to property (a Class I Felony), theft of movable property valued between $2,500 and $5,000 and six counts of misdemeanor bail jumping.

That’s according to a criminal complaint signed last week Monday by the Ripon Police Department.

The new charges come after Neidlinger was charged with burglary last November in relation to an incident the month before and after he was charged in May for theft in relation to an episode last November.

According to the new criminal complaint, Ripon police were called to Splish Splash Clothes Bath last November for a reported burglary, in which someone broke into the change machine.

A change machine was missing from the wall, with drywall dust under the hole, and the mechanical room had been pried open from the outside, court records noted.

“The damage appeared as if the coin machine had been removed from the rear through the wall into the mechanical room,” the complaint said.

Police reviewed security footage collected at Fusion Heating and Cooling, which shares a parking lot with Splish Splash, court documents noted.

The footage allegedly showed a vehicle park on the side of the building near the mechanical room door, with audio picking up the sound of “metal and dragging,” and visible shadows moving during the portion of the video with the metallic sound.

A witness allegedly told police he saw someone come into the Splish Splash parking lot and that he talked to the individual briefly.

“He described the man as being in his late 40s to early 50s, approximately 6’0 to 6’3 and weighing around 180lbs,” court documents said of the witness’ statement.

The witness participated in a photo lineup and “was not really confident,” but of the images shown, identified Neidlinger as “the person he thought he talked to,” the criminal complaint said.

If convicted on all counts, Neidlinger faces up to 24 years in prison and $105,000 in fines.

Additionally, his sentence for each charge could be increased by 2 years if the prior convictions were for misdemeanors and by 6 years if the prior conviction was for a felony.

Joe Schulz served as the reporter of the Green Laker in 2019 and 2020, before being hired as a reporter for the Commonwealth in October 2020. He is from Oshkosh and graduated from UW-Oshkosh in December 2020 with a bachelor's degree in journalism.

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