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The Sept. 5, 1922, edition of The Wenatchee Daily World announced a newspaper contest to name a scenic spot on the old Blewett Pass Highway that was known to that point as Hairpin Curve just on the south side of the summit. The winner, announced on Sept. 15, was Echo Point, submitted by M.S. Brown of Sulphur Springs near Cle Elum. This section of the roadway to this day is still maintained by the U.S. Forest Service.
The Sept. 5, 1922, edition of The Wenatchee Daily World announced a newspaper contest to name a scenic spot on the old Blewett Pass Highway that was known to that point as Hairpin Curve just on the south side of the summit. The winner, announced on Sept. 15, was Echo Point, submitted by M.S. Brown of Sulphur Springs near Cle Elum. This section of the roadway to this day is still maintained by the U.S. Forest Service.
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Cigarettes will be banned in Wenatchee beginning Sept. 2.
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Tupper have returned after an extended visit to the East Coast.
W.J. Bennington and J.D. Bassett of Ritzville are spending several days in Douglas County arranging for opening their new banks at Warden and Othello. Lumber has been secured and they expect to be open for business in about six weeks.
A farewell party was held Saturday evening for Stillman Miller by a group of his friends. He will leave soon for Spokane where he will attend college.
C. Bernhard of Coeur d’Alene was in Wenatchee today on his return from the Methow Valley where he is developing mining claims. He indicates the government has promised to build a road from his mine, above timberline on the summit, to Winthrop.
Water Commissioner Pat Sherburne worked all day Sunday with a crew to get the new water supply coursing through the city mains.
H.C. Rupples, of the federal reclamation service, has returned from a trip through the Okanogan country and says that area offers great opportunities for all types of farming. The land, he says, is ideally suited for irrigation and, where water can be obtained, will grow most anything.
County Superintendent of Schools E.C. Bowersox took over his official duties yesterday.
Carrie Englund and Jacob Griswell were married Sunday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Englund. The Rev. T.A. Hilton of the Episcopal church officiated.
The housing shortage in Wenatchee has prompted some home seekers to offer as high as $40 a month for a place to live.
The new Pioneer Park Junior High School will open its doors for the first time Sept. 4 when Wenatchee students head back to school. Principal Dan Wile announced that the new campus-type school has 26 teaching stations with a modernistic "roller coaster" look to the exterior of the classroom wings.
Court Apple Valley of the Independent Order of Foresters in Omak has received its official charter. John Hendricks of Okanogan is chief ranger.
Miller's Department Store will observe its 20th anniversary as it opens for business Saturday in remodeled quarters, according to manager Ron Miller. The reopening follows a fire in April.
Ed Deering was awarded five shares of Sears Roebuck stock as the winner of the company's recent sales campaign.
The 50th anniversary of the Omak Community Church will be observed Sept. 8.
Bernice Gardner is opening a new beauty salon in her home at 338 S. Mission St. The shop, known as Bea's Beauty Salon, will be open for business Mon-day. Gardner, a graduate of Siler's Beauty School in Wenatchee, has been a beautician for the last three years and was formerly associated with Curly Top.
The Wenatchee Eagles Auxiliary drill team took top honors at the recent Eagles State Convention. Members are Mrs. Ben Randall, Mrs. Bob McGrew, Mrs. Burks Traylor, Edna Nugent, Mrs. Carl Segle, Mrs. Bob Hackett, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Clifford Secrest, Mrs. Ernie Benson, Mrs. Wes Huffman, Mrs. Dusty Rhodes, Mrs. Chuck Shaw, Mable Graves, Mrs. Earl Quinn, Mrs. Charles Young, Mrs. Harold Van Winkle, Mrs. Fred Wagner, Mrs. Del Waggoner, Mrs. Ray Evers, Mrs. Marsh Goldie, Mrs. H.H. Scott and Mrs. Howard Putman.
Archie Van Doren, a scientist often described by the apple industry as "the father of controlled atmosphere storage in the Pacific Northwest," received the Washington State University Alumni Achievement Award at ceremonies today at the Thunderbird Motor Inn. Van Doren, a 1937 WSU graduate, former faculty member and horticulturist, was honored for pioneering scientific research in CA storage of apples. He was superintendent of WSU's Tree Fruit Research Center here from 1950 to 1962.
Julia Sage, Cory Kimball and Lynda Pepin of Wenatchee’s Jazz Movement are shown practicing a routine for this weekend’s Soleil Arts Festival. The local dance troupe is celebrating its first anniversary.
Group W Cable announces the arrival of MTV — Music Television. The 24-hour channel will offer "video records" of popular artists as well as concert performances from around the world.
Addie's Antiques is a new venture for Beatrice Paxman who has opened the shop at 229 N. Chelan Ave.
Dan Jackson, choral director at Wenatchee High School, has been named director of the Apollo Club men’s vocal group. He has been with the Wenatchee School District since 1979.
Comments by a new Entiat resident about his art form are being translated into 39 languages for worldwide broadcast this year over "The Voice of America." He's sculptor and author Zeljko Kujundzic, who earlier this month moved to Entiat after retiring as a professor of art and architecture at Pennsylvania State University. Kujundzic's Raku ceramic pottery was featured at a Gallery '76 show early this year.
A $160,000 expansion project is under way at the Wenatchee Swim and Tennis Club's indoor facility. The expansion includes construction of a new racquetball court, jacuzzi, physical fitness center and enlargement of the locker room and shower facilities. The pro shop will also be remodeled.
Nellie B. Miller has retired after 28 years with Pacific Northwest Bell.
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