Last October, when seawater encroached on power lines at a substation in Warren, Rhode Island, the skies were blue.
There wasn't a nor'easter. No hurricane sending its wrath north. It was a typical autumn day — with a king tide.
New Englanders often associate flooding with storms, and rightfully so. But imagine sunny days with impassable roads, bubbling storm drains and basements-turned-swimming pools? Those scenarios will become much more common, like during a full moon or change in prevailing winds or currents, according to a report released this week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
High tides are getting higher because of sea level rise, especially in the Northeast where the ocean is rising three-to-four times faster than the global average. High tide flooding, or "sunny day" flooding, is when low-lying areas are covered anywhere from 1.75 to 2 feet above the daily average high tide.
On Wednesday, NOAA released its annual state of high tide flooding report and outlook through April 2023, showing places like Boston, Providence and Bar Harbor could experience up to 70 days of high tide flooding by the year 2050.
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"Literally out my window, we're seeing it," said Christopher Piecuch, a physical oceanographer at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Cape Cod. "This is climate change in action. The pace at which this is increasing is going to sort of balloon in the future."
In many locations, flood days could become the "new high tide," according to William Sweet, a NOAA oceanographer. "These numbers are given not to scare, but to prepare people," he said.
Globally, researchers have estimated that 190 million people live in areas that high tides will reach by the end of the century due to sea level rise.
"When you see small fish in a puddle near a storm drain inland, it's rather shocking," said Wenley Ferguson, director of restoration at nonprofit Save the Bay in Rhode Island. "This isn't a freshwater puddle. This is bay water flooding."
Flooding frequency varies from year-to-year, influenced by numerous forces. In 2021, Boston saw seven high tide flood days, while 2009 and 2017 saw 22 days.
New England may have a recurring climate pattern to thank for keeping record-breaking flooding at bay — for now.
NOAA officials said current La Nina conditions are essentially holding back high tide flooding both nationally and in the Northeast. Expected to continue into next year, the periodic meteorological event typically lasts between 9 and 12 months, and impacts coastal storm tracks by bringing cooler ocean surface temperature and lower than normal sea surface heights.
More:What is La Niña? Does it bring more snow? How climate pattern could affect US weather.
But when its counterpart El Niño comes around, coastal flooding is exacerbated.
"Last year along New England, (high tide flooding) was not as bad as (NOAA's) forecast anticipated, primarily because of these factors," said Piecuch. "But that's no reason to think these effects won't continue to grow into the future."
The Northeast Atlantic region saw eight high tide flood days in 2021, "about a 200% increase in the last 20 years," Sweet said.
Nearing the brim:How will sea level rise increase high tide flooding?
Through next April, NOAA predicts the area will see an average between six and 11 high tide flood days.
High tiding flooding isn't necessarily as visually frightening as storm surge, per se, but it's insidious. Because it's reoccurring, Piecuch said, the damage and economic toll is on par with a hurricane, for example, "if not more."
"People are less familiar with this phenomenon of high tide flooding because it used to basically not happen," said Piecuch.
NOAA's 2022 predicted number of high tide flood days at its New England gauge locations are as follows:
By the year 2050, according to NOAA predictions, Boston could see between 50 and 70 days of high tide flooding; Providence, between 45 and 70 and Bar Harbor, 45 to 60.
"Water levels are nearing the brim in many communities," said Sweet. "Every inch (of sea level rise) matters at this point."
Save the Bay's Wenley Ferguson has been documenting Rhode Island's changing high tides for the last decade — through photographs. And anyone can do it, too.
On a web portal called My Coast: Rhode Island, created by Save The Bay, the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council, Rhode Island Sea Grant and the University of Rhode Island’s Coastal Resources Center, community members can upload their own photos of high tides — to help inform research, planning decisions and climate resiliency projects.
Rising tides:Photos of extreme high tides show impacts of sea-level rise in RI
The effort started years ago, said Ferguson, in an "old-school" manner. People who lived along the shoreline used to email them photos, the focus starting with king tides and moving onto storm-related tidal flooding. Now, they're looking for documentation of all high tide flooding to use as a "window into the future."
"The images really shock people," Ferguson said. "And then you say to them, these are the projections and when we get to one foot of sea level rise, this will be the tide on a daily basis."
Ferguson said the photographs are important tools for someone like herself who works with residents and municipalities to identify coastal adaptation projects. If a low-lying road of redundant pavement — without any driveways off of it — is experiencing high tide flooding, it might be a good candidate for removal, she said, to be replaced by coastal buffers.
The photographs can help identify locations needing attention and trends overtime.
"About a decade ago, community members weren't so aware of what's happening," said Ferguson. "But now, more and more people, anyone who lives along the coast is witnessing the change itself."
Critical infrastructure endangered. Vegetation growing in places where it shouldn't be. Thriving mosquito populations.
All three scenarios are occurring in New England as a result of high tide flooding. At stake is "life, property, economy and the environment," said NOAA's Sweet.
Last fall, a report released by the First Street Foundation emphasized the critical flood dangers for New England's homes and infrastructure.
For example, the report said 68.6% of residential properties in in Hull, Massachusetts are at risk of water reaching their buildings and 67.1% of the town's roads are at risk of becoming impassable. In Gardiner, Maine, located on the Kennebec River, 100% of the town's critical infrastructure, like utilities and emergency services, is in danger of becoming non-functional.
The Mystic River Watershed makes up the north side of Boston Harbor, where the highest concentration of critical infrastructure is located between New York City and the North Pole, said Julie Wormser, senior policy advisor at the Mystic River Watershed Association.
There's also high numbers of low-income people of color who live along the waterfront.
"The only grocery store in East Boston, at a really big tide, salt water will touch the back of the supermarket, putting people's food security at risk," Wormser said. The New England Produce Center in Chelsea, one of the largest in the world, floods during high tides and storms.
Mystic River Watershed:In MA, coastal flooding may impact people as far inland as Arlington
Twenty-one municipalities that makeup the Mystic River Watershed have joined together to form the Resilient Mystic Collaborative, and they've applied for more than $120 million in funding.
Wormser compared king tides to time travel. "They're giving us a glimpse of our near future when this is a normal high tide," she said. "And they're showing us where we need to protect our communities."
On Cape Cod, a mosquito boom last summer was fuel by high tide washovers from Wellfleet's Duck Harbor that reached inland, introducing huge amounts of ocean water into a heavily vegetated area — creating an ideal breeding ground for mosquitos.
The Cape Cod Mosquito Control Project received a permit to apply larvicide to the area this spring, to avoid the impacts for a second year.
Swarm buster:Mosquito control gets larvicide permit to battle biters in Wellfleet
More:How climate change will bring more pests and disease to New England
In Rhode Island, Ferguson said she's observed salt marsh vegetation growing inland under red maple trees because the tide is reaching further and creating new habitats for these species to survive. That's concerning, she said.
"We're seeing our salt-tolerant species moving inland. You can see how the vegetation's changing. Trees and shrubs are also beginning to die off because of that salt water inundation."
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Animals are impacted, too, and the future of certain species hangs in the balance. The nesting habitats of saltmarsh sparrows have fallen victim to high tide flooding in Rhode Island. Chicks are drowning in their nests, and nearly nine out of 10 saltmarsh sparrows have disappeared in the last 25 years.
Gannett reporters Alex Kuffner and Eric Williams contributed to this story.