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A WOMAN who survived being knifed on the night Max Maguire was allegedly murdered told a jury she saw another friend being “sliced” across his back.
Giving evidence today (Monday), Georgia Hole also told Winchester Crown Court she was wounded after trying to intervene when Max and their friend Luke Gray were attacked on 23rd October last year.
“I saw the boy pull a knife out of his pocket; he was just swinging it,” she said. “He swung it and he hit Luke and then he grabbed me.
“I didn’t know he had stabbed me at this point, I just saw that my mum dropped her glass on the floor and I just screamed ‘he’s got a f***ing knife, get inside!’.”
“Luke fell to the floor; he had been sliced. All I saw, he had been sliced across his back and was flat on his face.”
She said the brothers fled the scene and it was only while tending to Luke that she realised her jumper had a hole in it, her skin was "cut" and she was bleeding.
Brothers Draven Jewell (21) and Garon Jewell (19), both of Flushards, are standing trial having denied murdering Max and an alternative charge of manslaughter.
Draven also denies the attempted murder of Luke, while Garon denies two alternative wounding charges in respect of Luke. Both brothers deny inflicting grievous bodily harm on Georgia.
Draven has claimed self-defence, while Garon has said he was a victim of violence and did not know his brother had a knife.
As reported in the A&T, the opening of the trial heard there was a dispute in the garden of the town’s Royal British Legion branch shortly before midnight.
An upset Max went outside on to the High Street, with Luke following and attempting to calm him down. Meanwhile, the defendants were being ejected having insulted Georgia’s mother.
Max and Luke started making their way back into the bar to see Georgia and her mother, where they met the brothers coming the other way on the alleyway linking the RBL to the main street.
Prosecutor Adam Feest claimed a “surprise” attack was launched which involved Draven plunging a 13cm knife into Max and stabbing Luke, who suffered significant injuries to his back.
Max had protested that he was “only trying to be nice”, while the Jewell brothers had been “s***ty” with their group and also offensive to Georgia and her mother.
Georgia described how she rushed outside when she heard a commotion - only for Max to rush past her back into the bar. She did not realise he had been stabbed.
Max collapsed when he reached the bar area. He never regained consciousness having sustained “catastrophic” blood loss as the stabbing had pierced a major artery, Mr Feest has said.
During her evidence Georgia broke down when she recalled how she tried to get into the bar to help Max, but was not allowed in by staff, who urged her to contact Max’s mum.
Meanwhile, she added, her mother was using various tea towels to try to stem the blood loss Luke was suffering from his wounds.
The case, due to last up to a month, continues.