Each Copy Ability you’ll find in Kirby and the Forgotten Land can be upgraded at Waddle Dee’s Weapon Shop. For the most part, each ability has two upgrades, although the Crash and Sleep abilities only have one. If you're here, you're wondering where to find all of the blueprint locations in the game.
Including the two spoiler-y ones you receive after finishing Kirby and the Forgotten Land, there are 24 hidden blueprints to find throughout the 6 worlds of Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Each Blueprint gives you the option to spend Star Coins and Rare Stones on a more powerful upgrade for one of Kirby’s abilities. We have listed them in order of when you will find them progressing through each level, detailing their exact locations.
If you feel like you’ve missed any Blueprints along your journey, you can stop by Wise Waddle Dee near the World Map star in Waddle Dee town and he will let you know where to find them.
After you beat Gorimondo, the first boss of World 1, the Weapons Shop will unlock in Waddle Dee Town. When you first enter the shop, the Waddle Dee in charge will award you with the Chakram Cutter and Volcano Fire Blueprints.
The chain bomb Blueprint will be given to you in Level 2-4 of Everbay Coast, Fast-Flowing Waterworks. It is the reward for beating a required combat arena and is pretty much impossible to miss.
The Blueprint for the first evolution of the needle is found in Scale the Cement Summit in Everbay Coast. As you climb the tower, look for a lone bomb block sitting atop a large metal container. Hitting it will reveal the Copy Ability upgrade for the Clutter Needle.
The Blueprint for the upgrade to the Ranger ability is dropped by the boss of Everbay Coast. You might recognize Tropic Woods as a take on series classic boss Whispy Woods.
In the first level of Wonderia Remains, World 3 of Kirby and the Forgotten Land, the Toy Hammer Blueprint is the reward for completing a hidden mission. Water all the wilted flowers in the stage to receive it.
The first evolution Blueprint for the sword is given to you for defeating the Wild Edge in the second stage of Wonderia Remains.
The Time Crash blueprint is hidden at the end of Wonderia Remains Level 3. To the left of the stairs up to the final caged Waddle Dees that end the level, you can see a hole in the wall with a coin in it. Hover over there and follow the tunnel in to find it.
At the end of The Wondaria Dream Parade, there is a section where you must become Water Balloon Mouth Kirby. Towards the end of this section, you'll need to blast a vehicle at a weak shutter blocking a Waddle Dee. Before you cross the gap to get the caged buddy, blast another fairground car in the same spot and another hidden wall will crumble, revealing the Fleur Tornado Blueprint.
This one is a nice reprieve from the puzzle solving. You will be awarded the Pencil Drill Blueprint by defeating Clawroline at the end of Wonderia Remains.
You can get the second upgrade for the sword as soon as you finish Wonderia Remains. Completing the third world will unlock the Colosseum and its first competition the Meta Knight Cup in Waddle Dee Town. Battle your way through six rounds of combat and defeat Meta Knight in order to win the Blueprint for the legendary warrior’s sword.
The first second-level evolution for your Copy Abilities in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, you’ll be able to find is the Dragon Fire Blueprint. This deadly upgrade to the Volcano Fire ability will cost a little more to unlock, but it’s well worth seeking out.
In the World 4 level Windy, Freeing Seas you can find it hidden in a chest. A lift that is slightly out of the way in the area where you can go Mouthful Mode. Inhale the lift and move all the way to the right side of the screen. You will see the chest and be able to reach it by spitting out the lift while at maximum height.
Defeating the deadly duo of Twin Frosty in Battle of Blizzard Bridge will award you with this Blueprint, allowing you to upgrade the ice ability at last. It will be in a chest after the fight is over.
The final evolution of the bomb ability is the reward for beating King Dedede at the end of World 4 Winter Horns. This Blueprint will give you bombs that home in on enemies and still retain the chaining ability from the chain bomb.
The final needle upgrade can be found in Stage 1 of World 5, Originull Wasteland. After the Fleurina mini-boss encounter, walk just to the left of the battlefield to find a chest containing the Crystal Needle Blueprint.
The Buzz-Saw upgrade to the Cutter Copy Ability is well hidden in Searching the Oasis. In the second half of the level, you will be ascending through an area full of tall plants and Poison Croakoms creating unsafe patches of ground. Pay attention as you climb, and you will eventually see a broken balcony on your left. Walk towards the gap and you will see a platform below where the chest containing the Blueprint sits.
When you fight Wild Bonkers in World 5’s return to Alivel Mall, you will see the awe-inspiring power of the Wild Hammer on display. After he is defeated, the mini-boss will drop a Hammer pick-up. Inhale it and whack the switches sticking up from the floor that litter the area. The Blueprint will be yours for the taking.
At the start of the next level, Moonlight Canyon, you are climbing a rock formation by navigating disappearing blocks. When you’ve reached the top, you’ll be able to see a wanted poster and the exit to the area, but look to your left and you will see a barrel sitting suspiciously in a small cranny in the rock formation. Destroy it to get the Twin Drill Blueprint.
Defeating Sillydillo in the final level of Originull Wasteland will grant you this powerful second-level evolution to Kirby’s Ice Copy Ability.
At the very end of the World 6 stage Conquer the Inferno Road, pause before you rescue the final Waddle Dees. Make sure you have the Ranger equipped. You will see a moving target on your right. Shoot it to unlock the Space Ranger Blueprint.
This single upgrade to the Sleep Copy Ability is a powerful asset. It will give you an extra health bar, or increase your strength and defense. The one for Deep Sleep is found near the secret door area for the third Hidden Waddle Dee in Burning, Churning Power Plant. From the door, you can see a coin hidden behind a grate in the foreground to the left. Float up here to find a secret tunnel leading you to the Deep Sleep Blueprint.
At the end of Gathering of the Beast Council in Redgar Forbidden Lands, there is a section where Kirby inhales a rocket car and goes Coaster Mouth mode. Before jumping on this ride, hold up. Walk down and around to the right, below the platform where the coaster is, and you will find a hidden nook containing the Storm Tornado Blueprint.
The Masked Hammer Blueprint is the rare third upgrade for a weapon. Dedede gives this special hammer upgrade to you when you find him and talk to him in Waddle Dee Town after completing the game.
Once you complete the entire post-game world, Forgo Land, you'll get the Morpho Knight Sword Blueprint. This is the final Blueprint in the game and is appropriately the single strongest weapon in Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
And that's how to find all of the Blueprint locations in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. If you're wondering how to unlock Hidden Mission, we have a guide for that. For more step-by-step guides check out our Kirby and the Forgotten Land main page.