As players progress through Kirby and the Forgotten Land, they'll be eager to find the helpful Blueprints that allow them to upgrade their weapons.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the Star Warrior's first venture into 3D, and naturally, as a result, the mechanics many fans are used to are being re-tooled to make up for the new gameplay style. While not much has changed, Kirby's arsenal has been given a huge upgrade with weapons that can be evolved. However, to unlock these more powerful forms, fans first need to find a blueprint. This guide is where fans can find all the blueprint locations located so far in Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
Blueprints start finding their way into levels and bonuses after fans unlock the Waddle Dee Weapons Shop by defeating the first boss of Kirby and the Forgotten Land.
RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: The Brawl at the Mall Missions Guide
The Waddle Dee that runs the shop loves experimenting and working with the many Copy Abilities the franchise is known for, and this means that when fans find a Blueprint, it's in the fans' best interests to give them to him right away so it can be upgraded at the cost of the players' Rare Stones and Star Coins. Each evolution changes the ability significantly, adding new strategies for the many challenges players face during their adventure.
There are plenty of blueprints to find in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, so there's bound to be more that players will find as they play. However, these locations will be updated as blueprints are discovered, so fans who have trouble should keep checking back.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land is available now for Nintendo Switch.
MORE: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Complete Guide to Waddle Dees, Missions, Bosses, & More
Zackari has loved video games since he first played Sonic the Hedgehog on the SEGA Genesis as a toddler. He enjoys writing about the games he's loved his entire life, and when he isn't writing for Game Rant, he's found either playing those same games or dabbling in more creative endeavors.