It has been odd and alarming watching the powers-that-be relentlessly escalate the proxy war our government is waging against Russia. It’s not just that we’re sending billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, are calling Vladimir Putin a war criminal and issuing other fightin’ words, are training Ukrainian troops and are trying to effect Moscow’s economic destruction. It’s also, senior American officials have now revealed, that via intelligence aid the U.S. has helped to:
• down a plane carrying Russian soldiers; and
• sink one of Putin’s warships.
The kicker: By revealing this publicly — perhaps as strikingly inappropriate as leaking a Supreme Court draft opinion — Biden administration officials appear to be bragging about these “exploits” and rubbing the Russians’ noses in them. If you wanted to provoke a hot war, this is exactly how you’d do it.
But why would our officials seek conflict with the nation boasting the world’s largest stockpile of nukes (6,000) in the name of thwarting aggression that, as I explained here and here, globalist policy invited and is none of our affair? It all has a very Dr. Strangelove-esque quality about it.
But there may be method to this madness. And, no, a mere desire to enrich weapons-manufacturer political donors doesn’t explain it. There is one motivation that would, however:
A serious conflict would provide the Left an opportunity to seize complete domestic control, to cement its power — perhaps permanently.
For certain is that locking horns with Russia would be used to further curtail civil liberties.
We know this because major conflicts always are thus used. Abraham Lincoln arrested opposition journalists and publishers during the War Between the States. WWI saw the passage of the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, the latter of which absolutely infringed upon freedom of speech. And Franklin Roosevelt is notorious for having interned U.S. citizens of Japanese and also of German descent and for persecuting some Italian-heritage Americans.
Civil rights’ trampling would surely be worse under a major-war scenario today. Not only are we much farther down the rabbit hole of moral nihilism and wanton constitutional trespass, but Americans who even question our Ukraine policy are already labeled “stooges of Putin.” Moreover, Democrats have already made crystal clear what they want: Complete power — by any means necessary.
This desire has manifested itself in politicians such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) calling for violence against political opponents and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) threatening SCOTUS justices who dare vote contrary to the Left’s agenda.
Heeding such calls, the Democrats’ de facto storm…
Read Full Story At: The New American
by Ben Nsemo May 14, 2022, 10:55 am
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