5 Woodworking Hacks to Save Ton of Effort Around the Workshop

2022-04-01 03:53:44 By : Ms. Jennifer Zhao

These five hacks will prove invaluable for future DIY projects.

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Having a well-stocked workshop is great, but filling it with your own homemade accessories is even better. Here are five interesting examples. 

As you can imagine, like any project of this nature, you'll need some tools and materials before you get started. 

With all your gear and tools in hand, it is now time to get on with the build. 

For the first hack cut a pair of small lengths of wood and a sheet of wood, as shown in the video. Drill holes in the smaller pieces large enough to fit the metal rods you've managed to source. 

Connect the two pieces with the rods, place them around a router, and glue/screw the sheet to them. Route a groove along the middle of the sheet to enable a bit to extend through. 

Next, cut a small square of timber and cut out another smaller square to make a c-shape. With that done, cut out a matching square of clear perspex to fit the gap in the wood. 

Then, make a line in the center of the perspex, place it on the c-shaped wood, and glue it into place. Now glue/screw this to the top of the main sheet attached to the power router tool. To use the tool just clamp it to the edge of your workbench.

You can now easily core holes in other wooden pieces ready to receive wooden plugs!

This next hack will prove to be an invaluable attachment for your belt sander. To make it, first take note of the design of your belt sander and any screws, potential attachment point at one end of it. 

Mark and cut out a series of pieces of wood to build the body of the attachment and cut out any holes/spaces needed to fit them accordingly to the belt sander. Then cut a pair of channels to act as an adjustable rail for the piece. 

With that done, secure the pieces of wood to the belt sander. Then add another two pieces of wood at 90-degrees to them, and fix them into position using a set of brackets. These will act as guides for the pieces of wood fed into the device. 

With that done, feed a threaded rod through the two rails, and add a series of ball bearing to it to make a roller. This roller will be adjustable, so secure into position before using the attachment. You can now feed pieces of wood into the device. 

This next hack will help you hold pieces of wood at awkward angles when using your table saw. 

To make it, make a series of pieces of wood to make the main body of the gripping device/vice. Assemble them as shown in the video to make the frame of the device. 

Then, create a pair of arms for the device and secure them to the frame body with a pair of hinges. With that done, add a pair of vertical rods, slide some springs over them, and then complete the main device as shown above. 

To hold any pieces of wood into place on the device, glue a long strip of sandpaper to the base, and then two little bits to the arms of the device. Once done, you are now ready to use your new table saw attachment.  

The arms can be adjusted to variable heights, so happy cutting!

If you want to make some square holes using your benchtop press, you can either buy a special mortise or make one for yourself. 

The process is actually fairly easy too. 

Make the frame for the mortise as shown in the video. Then, create the holder portion of the mortise for the square drill bit. Secure the bit into the chuck of your benchtop drill, and then complete the mortise as shown. 

Happy square hole making ya'll!

And finally, this little device will prove very handy when using your jigsaw.

Make a double-hinged length of wood as shown in the video. The hinges will allow the two smaller side lengths to fold upwards when needed.

Then, create a mounting mount for a clamp, and another adjustable block at the opposite end. This will allow the frame to be mounted to varying lengths of wood. 

With the device in place, you can now run your jigsaw along with one, or both, of the foldable sides and cut a perfectly straight line with your jigsaw.

And that's a wrap for today. 

Why not now put your new hacks to practice with another DIY project? How about, for example, making your own tailstock and rest for a lathe? 

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